Page 137 - Dilmun 26
P. 137

The Weapons

The Portuguese (Galleon)                         Portuguese Marine(17).
developed mainly from (Caravel)                  But since the year 1519 it
supported with squared sails,                    increased gradually in large
and it came as a middle model                    numbers during the first quarter
between the (Carrack) and                        of the 16th century.
(Caravel) or the Portuguese man                  The direct marine fighting
of war as they called. (Galleon)                 against enemy ships was left
ship was larger and faster than                  for the armed (Caravels) ships,
(Carrack),it resists wind and                    it became known in the marine
PitsortGuugnuseswe in the  fight with (Botafogo) meaning jet
                                                 flame from its guns, where it was
But the (Carrack) was                            characterized by the fire shells
considered the main reliance in                  burn the enemy ships in the sea.
the Marine manoeuvres. It was                    In addition to these huge ships,
more powerful and supported                      the Portuguese fleet includes
with weapons. This ship was                      several small ships like (Fusta)
developed in its shape to a new                  and it has a Latin Style and
kind  inbudtesitigsnt.ay(1e5d)  like  (Elfosta)  shape, (Naveta) and though it is
ship                                             small in size but it can cross the
The Portuguese (Carrack) often                   oceans, (Barca) ship,and others.
weighs more than 1000 Tons.                      These small ships were used for
And usually armed with light                     attack near the coasts and was
weapons and was used to                          called  la(BuonmchberK. e(1t8c)h)  or  the  sail
transport goods in all the fleets                bomb
of Western European Countries,
where the fierce attack and
fighting were left to (Galleon)
ship which weighs less than 500
Tons. These ships were used
in the Arabian Gulf and India
during the first quarter of the
16th century, for fight because it
was made basically as a military
ships. 16 The (Galleon) appeared
in an increasing way since 1510,
and the following years in the                           (Barca, Portuguese Ship)

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