Page 138 - Dilmun 26
P. 138

The Weapons

             The Portuguese Fleet                                    boat included in the field of ship
             (Portuguesa Armada):                                    industries in the 16th century.
                                                                     The “Caravel” was a ship that
             If the Othmanians, the Sofians,                         have squared sails, and was
             Chinese, Mongols and Russians                           considered unique in its kind.
             depended basically on their land                        There were also the (Galley), it
             armies equipped with gunpowder                          was a sail ship with oars.
             guns and cannons, so the
             Portuguese depended basically                           In addition to (Galliot) and all
             on their Marine Power with a                            of them appeared in a semi
             very small army in all regions in                       military review, within “ Suez
             Eastern half of the Globe which                         Campaign” in the year 1540 –
             they controlled. Their number                           1541 to the Marine Leader (Joao
             did not exceed 10 thousand                              de Castro) who was the general
             soldiers in all the sectors of the                      ruler of the Portuguese India.
             Portuguese army. Here pops                              On top of a Portuguese Armada
             up the role of the real and main                        that consists of 72 ship. This
             power of the Portuguese Army,                           campaign was sent specially
             the huge ships crossing the                             to destroy the Othmanian fleet
             oceans with good armaments                              which was anchored at Suez in
             of gunpowder and fire balls,                            Egypt, this was an answer for
             meaning the modern artillery at                         the entry of the Othmanian to the
             that time, was the weapon that                          Indian    O15c3e8a.n(1a3)nd  the  siege  of
             confirms their presence in the                          (Dui) in
             beginning in Eastern Islamic
             The main types of the Portuguese
             Carrack, Galleon, Caravel, were
             the most important Portuguese
             Marine Ships when they started
             their geographical discoveries
             across the oceans and seas by
             going   oroldunwdotrhldelilkaergAefrcicoan.ti(n12e)nts
             in the                                                  (Galeão, Roteiro do Mar Roxo, by D._João_
             The “ Carrack” was a fast sail                                              de_Castro)

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