Page 141 - Dilmun 26
P. 141
The Weapons
The giant Islamic Cannon they resisted the Portuguese with
them. The Portuguese earned
seas between the Arabian Gulf one of these guns from one of
and the two oceans, the Indian the Moslem Kings in India, and
and the Pacific; the Moslems as the Portuguese references
hurried to cope with the modern described.
technical development in In the next photo, the Bronze
manufacturing weapons at that Islamic Gun which was made in
time. They were affected with India in the year 939H. (1533).
what they saw in the hands of the The Portuguese called that gun
Portuguese invaders and to face “The Massive Legend Serpent”
them with the same weapon. So its standard is 23.5cm., its
they tried to know the secret of length is 6.11meters, and weighs
this weapon from the pieces they 194.99kg. and can throw iron
got sometimes, and because balls with weight of 43kg.
China, the manufacturer of (90pounds). There is a sculpture
the gunpowder, is near their in Arabic Language on that
north eastern borders. So, as a giant gun, and was written in it
result, in less than 30 years, the :” For our Mulana the Sultan of
Moslems in west India were able all the Sultans for all ages, and
to manufacture very huge guns, who takes care of the basics of
the Prophet of God (May God’s
prayer and peace be upon him)
who fights for the glorification
of the Koran Teachings; the
destructor of the warriors without
mercy, who excludes the houses
of the people who worship
statues. the conqueror in the
day of meeting of two armies;
the heir of Soliman Throne; the
confident in the enhanced God,
the holder of virtues, Bahador
Shah Sultan. This piece was
made on the 5th of Zo El Qieda
in the year 939H. this date is 29th