Page 297 - PERSIAN 8 1931_1940_Neat
P. 297
W March Major General C. J. C. Hay, C.B., C.M.G. C.B.E. and
Airs, liny (Iraq Army).
(c) In March Mr. Edmonds, C.M.G., Iraq Ministry of Foreign AlVairs.
(d) In March .11. E. the M,utasarrif of Basra, Tahsin Beg Ali and Staff.
(e) In April 11. E. Dr. Grobbn, German Minister in Baghdad (and wife).
(/) In April IJ. E. Monsieur Lepissier (and wife) French Charge
d'AlTairos, in Baghdad.
{g) In'April-Dr. Hermann Swedhof, German Educational Expert to
Iraq Government.
(//) In April Monsieur Albert Asfar, Ilon'y French Consul, Basra.
(i) June II. E. Shaikh Abdulla al Khalifa, C.I.E., of Bahrain.
(j) October. The Right Hon’ble Sir Phillip Sassoon, Bart., C.B.E.,
C.M.G. (passed through).
(Jc) November. Sir J. Salraond, G.B.E., C.M.G., C.V.O., D.S.O., D.C.L.,
Marshall, R.A.F. (passed through).
(l) December. Mr. Justice Lloyd of Iraq Government.
(wi) December. II. E. Shaikh Mohamcd al Khalifa of Bahrain.
Note.—The names of prominent Bedouin visitors from Saudi Arabia,
are for obvious reasons not included.
(1) The lowest temperature recorded during 1934 was 40 F. on 28th January
The highest temperature recorded during 1934 was 118 F. on 3rd August
(2) Up to 31 st December the rainfall for the year was 5.40 in.
(3) Kuwait Town experienced a remarkable cloudburst on 8th December
1934. In I hour 3 in. of rain fell, doing enormous damage to the city. As many
ns 350 houses collapsed, another 1,000 were badly damaged, and over 1,700 per-
sons were rendored homeless in the course of a few minutes. Full detads of
the disaster were recorded in a separate despatch.
H. R. P. DICKSON, Lt -Colonel,
Political Agent, Kuwait.