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                                                 CHAPTER VIT.

                          Administration Report of the Bahrain Agency
                                                                     for the year 1934.
                         L Personnel. (1) Political Agent.—Lieutenant-Colonel Gordon Loch T A
                      hold charge of the Agency i>ntil (lie 8th July when he relieved tlJiTmi. «}'u
                      I la- Political Kwidont in (lie -Persian Gulf, who proceeded to Killian 1 on al ort
                      h-.ivo       I,.?,eo (, the 2811. October) Mr. M. Wonh TO S
                     Assistant Political Agent, officiated as Political Agent.     ’
                          (2)  Assistant Political Aflei,t,~The post of Assistant Political Airent
                      Bnliram, was sanctioned early in the year and on the 3rd Mav, Mr. M \Vorin
                     1:c-S.f arrived at Bahrain and assumed charge. lie continued in the post until
                     i lie 8th July and again from the 28th October to the end of the year.
                         (3)  Indian A ssista » /.-—Khan Bahadur ’Abdul Ilaiy al Ilashimi held char ire
                     ol the post ot Indian Assistant throughout the year.
                         2. Ruler of Bahrain and the. al Khalifah Family.—(1) His Excellency
                     Shaikh Hamad bin ’Isa Al Khulifali, C.S.T., has been on excellent terms with
                     the Agency throughout, the year. In February His Excellency celebrated   the
                     first anniversary of bis accession to the Rulcrship. of Bahrain.
                         (2) Shaikh Muhammad bin ’Isa Al TChalifali and Shaikh ’Abdullah bin ’Isa
                     Al Khalifah, brothers of the Ruler, paid a visit to Syria, Palestine and Egypt
                     during the summer mid on their way hack were received at Baghdad by °His
                     Majesty the King of ’Iraq. Both Shaikhs have maintained excellent relations
                     with the Agency.
                        Shaikh Muhammad has been President of the Manamah Municipalitv
                     throughout the year while Shaikh ’Abdullah has held charge of the Department
                     of Education of the Bahrain Government. Both have done good work in their
                     respective spheres.
                        (3) Shaikh Salman bin Hamad Al Kbalifah, the Ruler’s sou, has also been,
                    on good terms with the Agency. He has been employed as a Judge in the
                    Bahrain Courts, and during the absence of the Financial Adviser (Mr. Bclgravo)
                    on leave during the hot weather performed the latter’s Judicial duties in addi­
                    tion to his own.
                        (4)  Shaikh Rashid biu Muhammad Al Khalifali has retained the post of
                    President of the Majlis al Urfi,. throughout the year.
                         (5)  The widow of His* Excellency Shaikh Six1 ’Isa bin ’Ali Al Kliulifuh re­
                    turned from Mecca early in the year. She had gone to Mecca with the intention
                    of settling there but due to her indifferent reception l>y Bin Sa’ud she returned
                    somewhat disgruntled.
                        3.  Local Government Officials.—(1) Mr. C. Dalrymple Bolgniv.; held charge
                    of tin? appointment of Financial Adviser and Commandant of Police until the
                    20th May, when he proceeded on leave. He resumed charge of his duties on the
                    14th October.
                        (2)  Mr. 0. 0. L. do Grenier, Director of Customs and Port Officer, proceeded
                    on short leave to India on the (»tli November, lie returned from leave on the
                    2nd December.
                        (3)  Mr. W. B. Steele, State Engineer, proceeded on leave on the 9th April
                    and returned on the 14th October. During his absence Mr. II. Fraser Nash was
                    temporarily employed as State Engineer.
                        (4)  Ilnjji SaJinan bin Jasim, Inspector of Police, died on the 2(itii October.
                    TTajji Salman bad served in the Police from the time the force was organised.
                    He was a Shi’ah Bahraini and a loyal and capable officer.
                       4.  Bahrain Police.—The Bahrain Armed Police have posts in Huld, Muharraq
                   and Sakhir and supply various guards in Manamah. The Armed I ohce force
                   consisted of 158 men and followers on the 31st December. There are four Indian
                   Instructors on the strength of the Armed Police.
                       During the year the Karachi Police loaned the services of  an  Instructor to
                   the Bahrain Police.
                       In addition and independent of the Armed Police Force there is a body of
                   night watchmen. They numbered 109 at the end of the year.
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