Page 299 - PERSIAN 8 1931_1940_Neat
P. 299
0 Local Affairs.—(1) Communal bitterness between Sunnis and jSIii'nliM
which had been quiescent for a considerable time showed signs of revival duo
to certain unfortunate incidents. No open broach of the peace, however,
occurred. /.Towards the end of the year the Balirna, who are Shi’ah, presented
a petition to the Bulet demanding increased representation on the Municipal
Councils, and on the Majlis al Tujjarah, more schools for Shi’ahs and codifi
cation of the existing law. Their demands are receiving careful attention.
(2) One case of murder occurred in Muharraq towards the end of the year,
in which the victim was a prostitute.
The only other serious crime worth notice was that of a dacoity committed
in Zing. The dacoits who were armed with rifles looted a house removing
money and gold ornaments, and injured an old man.
(3) In spite of the vigilance of the Police illicit distillation and consump
tion of alcoholic spirits is increasing.
G. Bahrain Oil Concession.—During the year The Bahrain Petroleum Com
pany Limited completed the construction of tanks on Sitrah Island, and the
laying of a submarine pipe-line from there to the deep sea moorings which are
three miles from the shore. On the 7th June the Tankship El Scguudo left
Bahrain with the first shipment of approximately 3,300 tons of crude oil.
(2) Mr. E. A. Skinner, Chief Local Representative and Field Manager,
proceeded on leave on the 5th July. He was succeeded as Chief Local Re
presentative bv Mr. J. M. Russell, Deputy Manager of the Mesopotamia Persia
Corporation Limited, and as Manager by Mr. F. A. Davies.
(2) Mr. R. H. Ballantyne, British Representative in London of The Bahrain
Petroleum Company Limited visited Bahrain in October and discussed, various
matters connected with the Mining Lease of the Bahrain Oil Concession with
the Officiating Political- Agent.
(4) Representatives of the British, American and Dutch Groups of the ’Iraq
Petroleum Company Limited visited Bahrain in October. They were followed
a few days later by the representative of the French Group. Their visit was
apparently connected with the difficulty experienced by The Bahrain Petroleum
Company Limited- in securing a market for Bahrain oil.
(5) On (lie 29th December the Mining Lease of the Bahrain Oil Conces
sion was sealed by His Excellency Shaikh Hamad bin ’Isa Al Klmlifah and
signed by Mr. J. M. Russell,. Chief Local Representative, und Mr. F. A. Davies,
Manager, on behalf of the Company.
(6) On the 3ist December the Company had in employment the following
nationalities :—
British Americans. Bahrainis. Others.
Clpss I 15 24
Class II 29 13
Class III 14 348 133
7. Artesian Wells.—Pursuant on the Bahrain Government’s order of March
3933, a definite effort was made 1u control the excess of artesian water during
tnis year. Despite an improvement the problems of excessive supply and
mosquito breading swamp areas arc still unsolved.
8. Agriculture.—Nothing to report.
9. Customs.—The Customs revenuo amounted to Rs. 6,11,890 as compared
with Rs. 5,53,393 collectcd during the previous year. The increase is due to
unpre.eodent.edly largo imports <»i Japanese rice and the general expansion in
trade following ou the establishment of The Bahrain Petroleum Company
10. Municipalities,--Falling revenues have prevented the Municipalities of
Mnnamah and Muharraq from undertaking original works und improvements
of any importance. Sanitation was maintained at its usual standard* There
have been a few minor iraproyemejits to roads, and1 the Manamah Municipality
roofed in its principle bazaar.