Page 582 - PERSIAN 8 1931_1940_Neat
P. 582


                            (tv) At the end of the year tlio Company’s employees numbered as
                         follows :—
                               British .                                         224
                              Americans                                           00
                              British Indians                                    422
                              Bahrainis                                         1,600
                              Othors .                                           280
                            (v) Roughly 5,000 barrels of oil daily are now being brought by barges
                        from the California Arabian Standard Oil Company’s oil field in Dammam,
                        to be refined in tho Bahrain Petroleum Company’s Refinery.
                            The following refined products are being exported :—
                              Ethylized Gasoline
                              Straight Gasoline
                              Diesel Oil
                              Fuel Oil
                        Shipments are chiefly to India, South Africa and Australia.
                            (vi)  Construction is still continuing, though on a reduced scale. Plans
                        have been approved for the installation of a polymerization plant in 1039.
                        Living and recreational facilities have been considerably improved.
                            (vii)  Mr. F. A. Davies representing tho Bahrain Petroleum Company
                        and Major Frank Holmes, representing Petroleum Concessions, Limited,
                        were for some weeks in Bahrain for the purpose of negotiations for the Un­
                        allotted Area.
                            7. Agriculture.—Tne agricultural expert lent to the Bahrain Govern­
                        ment by the Government of India spent two months (from the 5th March
                        to the 14th May 1938) in Bahrain survojdng possibilities of agriculture, but
                        at the time of writing his report is still awaited—with much diminished
                           8.  Customs.—The customs revenue amounted to Rs. 11,58,547 during
                        the year as compared with Rs. 10,27,154 during 1937. Of this amount
                        transit duty on sliipments to the mainland and other parts amounted to
                        Rs. 2,19,942 as compared with Rs. 1,08,561 during the previous year.
                           9.  Municipalities.—Manama.—Experiments in constructing a section
                        of metalled road were begun towards the close of the year. A new road was
                        opened from Suk al Araba’ to Barrett street.
                           Muharraq.—Work was begun at the end of the year on the sea road
                        from Muharraq to Busaitin.
                           10.  Public Works.—A dispensary and out-patients building, with a fist
                        for the State Medical Officer, were nearing conpletion at the end of the year.
                        Work was also begun on the new State Hospital.
                           A P. W. D. shed was completed, and also 12 married quarters for Police
                        Non-Commissioned Officers at the Fort.
                           Towards the end of the year, the extension of the Customs pier to reach
                        deep water, where dhows can unload at all tides, was begun.
                           11.  Electric Department.—A new 300 kilowatt, generating set was
                       installed during the year to deal with extra load.
                           The Municipal ice plant operated throughout the summer, but is still
                       inadequate to supply local demands.
                           12.  Education—
                             Number of schools on the 1st January 1938   ....    10
                             Schools opened during the year...................................................  Nil.
                             Schools closed during the year ......              Nil              =
                             Students on rolls on the 1st January 1938   ....  1,113
                             . Students on rolls on the 31st December 1938  ....  1,317
                             Teachers on the 1st January 1938 ...................................................  42  i
                             Teachers on the 31st December 1938   .........................................  45
                           In the spring of the year, a new wing for teaching engineering and welding
                       work was added to the Bahrain Government Technical School.                !

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