Page 585 - PERSIAN 8 1931_1940_Neat
P. 585


              (iii) Herr Heinrich Re; finger of the Importing and Exporting Firm of
          Johann Schlinz of Bremen, importers of motor mother of pearl, arrived on
          business on the 24th September 1938. In view of the European situation,
          he returned to Germany after a stay of only two days.
              (it;) Herr II. J. Wattenberg of Messrs. F. Unduetsch and Company
          (frnq) Limited arrived in Bahrain on the 28th November 1938 in connection
          with business with his Company’s local agent, Mohammad Abdulnabi Bushiri,
          dealers in bazaar goods, cement and iron and mother of pearl shells. He has
          applied on behalf of his Company to open a branch in Bahrain.
              (v)  Herr II. Wengoborski, agent of the Hansa Line of steamers at Ahwaz,
          arrived on the 1st December 1938 with the object of accompanying the
          Hansa S.S. “ Gcirfels ” on its inaugural visit to lias Tanura. This fell
          through, but he visited Al Khobar before leaving Bahrain on the lltli
              (vi)  Three Germans, Karl Weber and his wife and Paul Schmidt, passen-
          s ers on  the British India Steam Navigation Company’s slow boat S.S.
            Bamora ”, landed during the steamer’s stay in port on the 12th December
          1938. Mr. Weber is a journalist and busied himself taking photographs from
          the time he landed. Mr. Schmidt is a merchant and was met on board by
          Mr. Campbell, Gray Mackenzie’s agent here.
              23.  Visits of British Notables.—(i) Her Royal Highness Princess Alice
          and the Earl of Atlilonc visited Bahrain from the 17th to the 20th March,
          after travelling across Saudi Arabia as the guests of King Sand. This
          visit, the first with which Bahrain has been honoured by members of the
          Royal Family, gave Hi3 Highness the Shaikh and the people of Bahrain
          immense pleasure.
              (ii) His Excellency the Commandcr-in-Chief, East Indies Squadron,
          visited Bahrain in H.M.S. Norfolk from the 23rd to the 2fith November. He
          stayed at the Agency and exchanged calls with His Highness the Shaikh of
          Bahrain. He also visited the Bahrain Petroleum Company’s Oil Field and
          Refinery in company with several of his officers.
              24.  Visits of Arab Notables.— (i) On the 17th July, three Saudi officials
          arrived from Al Khobar with several petty officials and menials. They
          were :—
                Shaikh Muhammad Sarur Al Sabban, Manager, Ministry of Saudian
                Zaki Effendi Omer, Director General of Saudian Customs; and
                Ibrahim Effendi Redwan, Saudian Representative at Al Khobar.
              (ii) The Shaikh of Dubai visited Bahrain in August to discuss with the
          Political Agent the political situation in Dubai (see Trucial Coast section).
          His brother Shaikh Juma bin Maktum also visited the Political Agent early
          in October on the same business.
              25.  Slavery.—142 slaves were manumitted during the year as compared
          with 45 during the year 1937.
              26.  Climate.—The summer of 1938 was particularly hot and humid,
          local residents stating that it was the worst summer in .living memory.
              Very little rain fell, and the winter was generally mild.
              27.  Qatar.—(i) The rupture of relations between Bahrain and Qatar,
          which began at the time of the Zubarah incident, still continues. Travel
          from Qatar to Bahrain is only allowed by the Bahrain Government in emergent
          cases when medical attention is required.
              (ii) During the year the Shaikh of Qatar formally raised the question
          of the ownership of the Hawar Islands. He objected to the occupation of
          these islands by the Bahrain Government and formally claimed sovereignty
          for Qatar. The Bahrain Government have submitted their formal counter­
          claim, and at the moment a rejoinder from the Shaikh of Qatar is awaited.
              (in) During the summer, certain members of the Al Thani family came
          over to Bahrain, claiming that no provision was being made for their liveli­
          hood by the Shaikh. They remained as the guests of Shaikh Sir Hamad
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