Page 213 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 213
FOB THE YEAH 1919. 71
i £0 take up tho bunion of hia official quarrels. Disputes about rights in
bs pct -\vorkcr3, and criminal charges brought by Persians had to be dealt with,
flcutually the Eastern Rug and Trading Company brought a charge ajgainst
i(r Eiuggmann of trying forcibly to -violate their trade 6ecrots. His Majesty’s
Consul proposed a settlement on the basis of accepting a plain statement of his
\uioccnco by Mr. Bruggraann, but this he declined to give if it were to be
public. His Majesty’s Consul then referred the matter to Tehran. It is
^derstood that the German Minister is now taking steps to induce tho
Company to transfer their objectionable agent.
American Firm.—Agents of two new American Firms, Kastikian and
(julbonkian, made their appearance in Autumn. Both appeared to expect
pritish protection, but were told that they must arrange for tho necessary
instructions to be sent to His Majesty’s Consul Formal work such as the
granting of certificates, eto., has however been done for them.
The weather of tho year was not remarkable in any way; Tho following
_, . , is a record of tho rainfall and of the maxi-
mum and minimum temperatures recorded
in each month :—
Rxirr. Mixixrx Mikikck
Falla. Incioa. Degroca. Dato. Dcgrcoa. ,’Dato.
January 3 •56 70-2 17 th 20 23rd
February • 4 •57 173-4 20 tb 17 24th
March 9 1-94 78-7 30th 23 19th
April . 4 -28 90- 20th 386 2oth
May . 102*3 31st 45* 1st
June . 108-4 7th 60- 13th
July . 109 31st 64*8 16th
Acgost 107-8 7th 46*3 26th k
8ept€tnher . 2 •03 97-4 9 .tilth 42-4 29th
October 1 -16 93-6 3rd 38 12th
tforember . 2 •99 85-6 . 7th 30 29th
Oeoembor . 7 1-54 70-3 6th 22 26th
82 6-06 • •• • M
There was a fall of 2* or 3* of snow on 8—9th March and another light
°ne in December.
A slight shook of earthquake was experienced at about 7 AM., on the
6th March, which appears to have been responsible for flaws that subsequently
appeared in some of the Consulate buildings. There was another very slight
*hook at 6-26 a.m. on 12th October.