Page 214 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 214


                                                   The following Europeans
                                                 Kerman (luring the year       v'sited

                                                 Arrived from   Left for

                 Liootenant H. M. Stow&rt, I.A.  Bandar Abbas, ISth  Moharamorah, 7th   Studying persUa>
                                               January, 1913.  Juno, 1913,
                 Mr. W. Johns, C.I.E., P. W. D.             Bandar Abbas, 17th
                                             ! Karachi, 19th Janu­  March, 1913.
                                                ary, 1913.
                  „ Tippor, Govormnont Surroy of India .
                  „ G. Stevens and younger brother.  Tehran, ’27th May  Sultanabad, 2oth Juno
                                               1913.         1913.        Jfeoncts
                  „ Romaskcvitch              Ispahan, 6—13.  Ispahan, 27th August  Russian, collect.
                                                             1913.         in?  matiae.
                  „ Garnett, 1st Secretary, His Majesty’s   Tehran, 25th October  Tehran, 5th Xorem-   On official tear.
                      Legation.                1913.         bor 1913.
                 Bishop StPcinan, C.M.S................................... Ispahan, 7th X  ovembor* Tehran, 2nd Deceuibor  On tour.
                                              19 IS.         1913.

                     Mr. Garnett had come down to Tezd on a special mission in company with
                 the gendarmerie In -view of the situation then existing in Kerman and of
                 fears expressed by the gendarmerie that they were going to meet with a hostile
                 reception from the Bakntiaris on arriving at Kerman, His Majesty’s Consul
                 recommended that the representatives of His Majesty’s Legation should not
                 appear to abandon the gendarmerie on the tbreslihold of Kerman and that he
                 should come on with them to Kerman. The suggestion was| adopted.
                 Mr. Garnett was able to convey the Legation’s views of their respective func­
                 tions and positions to Mr. Leccffre and the Swedish officers, and also to discuss
                 other matters of political importance.
                    (Note.—Tho ucufual length of ttJs report nray porhaps bo justified cn the ground*, firstly, that do full
                 conspectus of Br’nLb interests and of the work of His Bri:annic Majesty's Consulate in this quarter of tbs
                 “British Sphere” of Persia appears over to havo been given in the past, and secondly, that the year under review
                has seen the introduction of several important developments in the administration of the province, wh'ch may
                 have far-icacbing effects on British interests.)
                      Kerman ;                         D. LORIMER, Caftain, J.A.,
                 The 23rd January 1914.          Eis Britannic Majesty's Consul, Kerman.

                   408 ?. d.

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