Page 322 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 322
The Fort of Likkak was razed to tho ground, and tho headship of tho
tribo entrusted to Muhammad Husain Khan, Bahtnai.
In the month of May, Sirdar-i-Jang and Amir-Mang had a meeting -with
. .. c. ... . Shaikh Sir Khazal Khan, Shaikh 0f
MoLammerah, at Wais, at which the usual
promises of eternal friendship wero ex
changed. Relations throughout the year between them were amicable, out
wardly, though in his hoart of hearts tho Ilkhani considers that the Shaikh
of Mohamrnorah is to some extent responsible for some part of tho Bakhtiari-
Kubgelu trouble.
As already mentioned, there have been no events worthy of record,
intorul affair*. Smhr-i-Jang has frequently throughout
the year threatened to resign tho Ilkhani-
ship, but hitherto has not put his threat into force.
With tho excoption of the Kubgelu expedition, in the summer of 191<t
there have bi*en no notable events. Alter
the Bakhtiari force had withdrawn from
the Kuhgelu country, Mirza Ali Rcza Khan, Bahadur-i-Diwan, with one of the
Ahmed Khusroi Chiefs as his assistant, was appointed Governor of Behbehan,
on behalf of the Bakhtiaris, and continued in office till the end of the year
Mr. P. P. terMeulen continued to hold the post of Russian Consular Agent
throughout the year under report. Owing
Foreign ei and Consular A jpneios.
to local hostility, Assadullah Mirza, the
Russian Agent in Burujird, resigned his post early in the year and returned
to Kermanshah. The intention of the Russian Government to maintain an
Agent in the Chahar Mahal has hitherto not materialised.
Ahicaz Governorship. Shaikh Chasib Khan, Nusret-ul-Mulk, continued
to hold the pest of Deputy-Governor of
Locil Authorities.
Ahwaz throughout the year.
Customs. Monsieur G. Van den Abeele handed over charge of the post of
Director of Customs to Mr. Menas in Juno and proceeded to Mohammerah.
Messrs. Lynch Brothers, Limited. Mr. E. A. Wilson returned charge of
Messrs. Lynch Brothers, Limited, Ahwaz
British Intorests.
Agency, in May, relieving Mr. Abel, who
proceeded on leave to Europe.
Messrs. Slrick, Scott and Company. Owing to the death of Mr Ritchie, in
February, the Ahwaz Managership was temporarily held by Mr. AVkeldon till
the arrival of Mr. Gillespie in November from Europe.
Early in the year Mr. Hamm was recalled to Mohammerah and the former
grain buying regime tlirough brokers was resumed.
Subsequent on the satisfactory arrangements made by Sirdar-i-Jang,
Bakhtiari Bold. Ilkhani, for the protection of the road,
traffic was in full awing throughout the
year with the exception of a short time in the Summer.
A raid by the Kuhgelu was threatened in June, butaverted- The activities
of Reza Khan, Juzuni in the Ispahan District, had the effect, for a short time
in the Summer, of reducing the number of caravans passing to and fro, but tbb
trouble was removed on the Lspahan Gendarmerie taking active steps against
•Reza Khan and forcing him to leave the road in peace.
In the Spring rises the new stone bridge, built by Sirdar-i-Jang over the
Sabza Kuh River at Dopulan, was washed away, and has not since beoa
When passing over the Godar-i-Balutnk bridge in October, His Majcstj**
Vice-Consul noticed that one of the anchorages was drawing. This wa*
brought to the notice of Messrs. Lynch Brothers’Ahwaz Agent, by vho®
steps were taken to send an Engineer to inspect and repair the same.
Early in the year, owing to the hostile attitudo of the Lurs, it waa fnurd
Baiiwaj impossible for the Survey party to P Jt
cccd from Dizful through LunstoiL
was therefore proposed that Dr. Young and Mr. Douglas of the Ran <