Page 323 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 323

POE THE TEAR 1014.                     39:
            Syndicate should accompany Ilia Majesty's Vice-Consul on aSummor tour and
            an attempt bo made to reach Ispahan vid the Diz River Valley. The
            Bakhtiari Khans rofused to accept responsibility, but promised to make the
            journey possible in tho Autumn. When the Autumn came, however, it  was
            not found possible, and therefore Mr. Douglas, accompanied by Hia Majesty's
            Vice-Consul, made a ranid survey with a view to seeing tho possibilities of the
            Karun River route. The survey was made and a report submitted.
                JEti route a visit was paid to Karkunan and a detailed report subsequently
                                           submitted by Mr. P. G. Douglas.
                   Kaikanan Water Schema.
                Tho Company has been steadily consolidating its position during the year
                                           under report. Tho most noteworthy
                  Anglo-fcnian Oil Company.
                                           event being tho acquisition, by His
            Majesty’s Government, of an interest ia the Company to tho value of
                A test well was put down in tho Spring in the desert East of Ahwaz, in
           tho hope of proving a petroliferous area there, but up to the end of the year no
            results were obtained.
                A tract of land 15J acres in extent was acquired in December for tank
            site* in the viciuity of the Maidan-i-Naftun Oil field, and towards the end of
            tho year tho Sraff,was largely augmented with a view to the laying of a second
            (10") pipe line. Relations between the Company and the Bakhtiaris, both
            Chiefs and tribesmen, have been excellent.
               His Majesty’s Vice-Consul visited the Bakhtiari Chiefs and Shaikh Sir
                                           Khazal Khan at Wais early in May;
               Tour of His Majosty's Ro^roaonlativo.
                                           proceeded on Summer tour vid the Lynch
           Road to Ispahan, reaching there on the 11th June. On the return journey the
           Ilbegi was visited at Chighakhor, and the Headquarters of the various Chiefs at
           Shalamzar, Junaghun, Ardal, etc., were visited.. Thence the journey was
           continued vid the Karun River Valley, after visiting Karkunan, to Ahwaz,
           which was reached on 31st October, after an absence of over 5 months.
               Monsieur Martin traversed the Bakhtiari Country in August en route to
                                           join the colours in Prance on the outbreak
                                           of War.
               Rainfall * for the year amounted to —inches. The lowest temperature
                                           resistered was 42° in February, and the
                    Rainfall and Weather.  highest 116° on the 10th August 1914.
                              J. G. L. RANKING, Captain, L A.,
                         Hit Britannic Majesty's Vice-Consul and Assistant
                                                          Resident, Ahvca*.
            The mi?March 1915. }

              • Owirg to disturbances at Ahwaz, the File was left there,   Utnce the total rainfall wlil bo tent late
            und as soon as j>raciicahle.
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