Page 324 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 324
THE YEAR 1914.
Major (now Lieutenant-Colonel) S. G. Knox, .C.I.B , held charge of the
PoraoDDoU AScn=y [ro“ l*t Januarv to 3rd
March, on •which dato he handed over
charge of the Agency to Lieutenant-Colonel. R. A. E. Bcnn, C.I.E., and
proceeded to Bushire to take up the post of officiating Political Resident in the
Persian Gulf, Bushire. Lioutenant* Colonel Bcnn remained in charge till the
close of the year.
Major J. W. Little; LM.S., was Agency Surgeon, Maskafc, from 1st
January to 8th June, on which date ho proceeded, on transfer as Agency
Surgeon, to Giteit handing overcharge to Captain A N. Dickson, I.M S., who
held charge of tne post of Agency Surgeon from 9th June to 20th October, on
which date he too proceeded to India on reversion to Military duty. Prom
Jst October to the end of the year the post of Agency Surgeon remained
Monsieur A. Jeannier was Consul for Prance throughout the year and
Foreign Coneui.. Muhamimd Pazel, Vice and Deputy
Consul for United States of America.
Relations of His Britannic Majesty’s Consul with his foreign colleagues have
been most cordial throughout the year.
Abdul Aziz-bin-Ruwaihi, the French Consulate Dragoman, visited Sur in
May for the purpose of renewing French dhow papers.
The Political Resident in the Persian Gulf did not visit Maskat during
the year under report.
Visit! of Resident.
The birthday of Queen Mary was celebrated on the 20th May. The Agency
flagstaff, His Highness’ forts and the
Foreign Consulates were dressed for the
occasion. H. M. S. “ Odin *' was in harbour and fired a Royal Salute of 31
guns at noon.
On the 22nd June the birthday of His Majesty the King-Emperor was
celebrated. The Agency flagstaff, His Highness* forts and the Foreign
Consulates were dressed. In the morning the Political Agent, accompanied
by the Agenoy Surgeon, inspected the Agency guard and a feu do joxe was
fired intervening which His Highness* Saluting Battery fired a salute of 31 guns.
Later on the Political Agent received congratulatoiy visits from Saiyid Nadir,
in the absence of His Highness the Sultan, the Foreign Consuls and the heads
of the British Indian communities. H. M. S. “ Odin. ** was in harbour and
having dressed the 6hip fired a Royal Salute at noon.
The t( Maulud. an Nabi ** was celebrated on the 8th February, on the 24th
August the Ramjan-Id and on the 30th October the Bakri-Id. On all 3
occasions the Agenoy flagstaff was dressed.
The anniversary of the Independence of the United States of America was
celebrated on the 4th July, ana that of the French Republic on the 14th
July. On both occasions the Agency flagstaff was dressed and congratulatory
visits were paid by the Political Agent to the Consuls of both the above
The health of His Highness the Sultan
Hb Bighorn tbs Sultan and family.
has been good throughout the year.
The relations between this Agency and His Highness the Sultan have
been rexy cordial. His Highness has frequently visited the Bafcinah Coast and,,