Page 329 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 329


                                   FOR TUEYEaR 10U.                       45
           List of arms and ammunition captured and dhotos destroyed by the Naval Forces in the
                                Persian Gulf duriny the year 1914.

                                                   Arms and
               Noturo of capture.  Mndo by  Date.  ammunition   RbXAIKS.

           Badon                " Fox -  14th January   2 pistols and few  Dhow released 23th- Feb*
                                        1314.     rounds pistol   ruarj 1914;
           Badan                " Fox -  6th May 1014  Nil,  Ito ported to have landed
                                                             100 riflos near Raihidu
                                                             Dhow destroyed.
           Badan               “Alert M  20th May 1914   Nil.  Dhow relsuod.
           Eadaa >             “Alert”  20th May 1914  Nil.  Reported to btve landed
                                                             153 rifles at Makki cn
                                                             loth Jsnnaiy   1914.
                                                             Dhow doitrojeo.
           Eadan            %  “Alert"  22nd May 1914  Nil.  Reported to havo landed
                                                             83 rifles and 8,300 rounds
                                                             at Khanarak. Dhow


               Statement showing the final disposal of Ihe French stocks of arms and ammunition.

                                       Di.6C3irTlOX OP WEAPONS.

           Serial  How disposed of.             Mauser        Ammuni­  Revises.
            No.                                   and          tion.
                                   •303.  •450.         Total.

              I Despatched to Kirkco  1,396  1,284       2.6S0
             II   0   to Woolwich           748   1,868  2,616

             III      to Mohammorah  lit   3,000         3,000
             IV  Sold to approved purchasers  Ml  30  184  214

              Y Retained for presents                6      6
             VI Jettisonod          •M     Ml      437    437

            VII Retained for sale          Ml                  2,71,100
                Note*—All ammunition for *303 and *460 bores at alio for othor borei was jettieonid.

              s» F.D.
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