Page 333 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 333
/•—Uainfdll for the year 1914.
Month and date. Quantity. ToUL
let January '11 *18
8 th February 1 •14
10th •30 '44
11th •5 '49
12th 99 1*U
20th •4® 1-01
21«t 99 •4 1-68
7 th March 1 1*71
19th June •2 1-73
SOth „ •14 1*87
30th . •20 2*07
1st July •13 2-20
3rd August •4 2-24
31st October •58 2*80
1st November 1-48 4-28
2nd '4 4-32
7th •22 4-54
9th •3 4-57
13th December •39 4-96
19lh »» •4 60
23th 99 •12 6*12
29th ii •33 646
IL—Temperature for the year 1914.
Maximum for the Minimum for the
month. mouth. Average Average
Month. maximum minimum
for the
for the
Higheit Lowest Higheit Loweit month. month.
January 87*3 721 70*1 69-8 804 U1
February 85*6 64*0 80-3 6ii 76*4 67*0
Mirth 94-6 741 77*4 61-8 83-4 711
April • 105*5 84-8 931 71-6 Ml m
May . 1096 94*2 93*8 821 1004 86*8
Jane • 114-0 08*0 98*1 811 91*4 881
Jaly . 1021 87*0 90*8 81*0 961 861
Aaguti 908 88*8 861 761 901 811
September 1005 83*6 86*6 761 9ll •11
October 1011 871 841 751 961
November 91*8 811 771 721 811 761
December 89-8 78*4 771 •81 •1*1 681