Page 328 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 328


                         Tho French Consul, Monsieur A. Jcannicr, has been generally indisposed
                     throughout the year. On one occasion ho was confined to bed for several
                     weeks. Ho has made several requests for leave or transfer -without success.
                         Several Turks visited Maskat during tho year, three of whom-
                     Muhammad Fuad, Ismail Boy and Ali bin Ghalib, are employed by Hia
                     Highness the Sultan, tho first named to organize a military force
                     the second as military adviser to His Highness tho Sultan and tho third to
                     organize a police force. The last named has siuco left Maskat.
                        Two lists showing subjects and proteges of other Christian powers
                     are apponded.
                        Tho sad intelligence of the death of Mr. J. G. Lorimor, C.I.B., I 0.8.,.
                                                   Political Resident in tho Persian Gulf)
                                                   was received on the 9th February. The-
                     news was immediately conveyed to His Highness the Sultan, who expressed
                    his profound sorrow.
                        Mr. J. W. Cumming, owner of Messrs. W. J. Towel 1 and Company’s busi­
                    ness, died on the 7th May. He was buried in the Shaikh Jabir new cemetery,
                    the funeral being attended by the British Consul and Naval and Military
                    officers, office staff and representatives of the commercial community. The busi­
                    ness of Messrs. Towell and Company lias been bought by Muhammad Fazcl,
                    who had been connected with the firm for very many years. On the 27th May,
                    Mr. C. J. Homer, Assistant Engineer in charge, Persian Gulf Lighthouse Works,
                    wa9 presented by the Political Agent with the 2nd Class Kaiser-i-Hiud medal
                    at a Barbar held at the Agency.
                        The sad intelligence of the death of Her Excellency Lady Hardinge was
                    received on tho 14th July. The Agency flag was half masted, His Highness
                    and the Foreign Consuls following suit.
                        Two observation posts were established to watch tho approach of enemy
                                                   Warships and precautionary measures
                               TLe War. j
                                                   taken with regard to Government coal
                                                   and property.
                        Steps were also taken to prevent enhancement of prices on food-stuffs on
                    the pretext of the War. The announcement of War with Turkey was calmly
                    received in Maskat. Steps were taken, to contradict all mendacious, reports
                   and to have correct information circulated in the town and the interior. An
                   epitome of Reuter’s telegrams was made and translated in Arabic and published
                   for general information. In this connection His Highness the Sultan issued
                   a general notice strictly prohibiting the dissemination of false news.

                                             R. A. E. BENN, Lieutenant-Colonel,
                                               Political Agent and His Britannic Majesty's
                                                                       Consul, Maskat.
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