Page 353 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
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                        ADMINISTRATION REPORT

                                         OP THE

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                                      CHAPTER I.
                                      YEAR 1916.
              Lieutenant-Colonel Sir P. Z. Cox, K C.S.I., KC I.E., held charge of tho office
                                          of Political Resident, Persian Gulf,
                                          throughout the year, but as he held the
           additional office of Chief Political Officer with the Indian Expeditionary Force
           “ D” he was absent from Bushire the whole year except for one brief visit iu
               Lieutenant-Colonel S. G. Knox, C.LE., held the appointment of Officer on
           Special Duty at Bushire Residency and His Majesty’s Acting Consul-General,
           Bushire, up to 7th April. On the 19th April he was succeeded by Major
           A. P. Trevor, C.I.E., who continued to hold . charge of the appointment, the
           style of which, in September, was changed to Deputy Political Resident in tho
           Persian Gulf, until the end of the year.
               Captain W. G. Neale held the office of First Assistant Residont, up to 18th
           April, when he was relieved by Major R. E. A. Hamilton. This officer was
           transferred to Mesopotamia on 12th May, and the post of First Assistant
           remained vacant until 8th August when Captain M. E. Rae assumed charge
           until the end of the year.
               Captain E. W. 0. Noel continued to be 2nd Assistant until 6th April when
           he was relieved by Captain J. G. L. Ranking. This officer was unfortunately
           killed in action against rebellious tribesmen on the 12th July. After his death
           the post of 2nd Assistant was held from 20th July to 20th October by Mr.
           Duncan Willey, an Assistant Political Officer from Mesopotamia, and .from 20th
           October to the end of the year by Mr. Newton Worrall, His Majesty’s Vice-
           Consul, Ispahan, who had been compelled to leave Ispahan owing to toe unrest
           and anti-ally feeling caused by German intrigues.
               Mr. Vice-Consul H. G. Chick held charge of the Vice-Consulate through­
           out the year. Mr. 0. J. Edmonds, Consular Assistant, was transferred to
           Mesopotamia, on 28th April, and the post of Consular Assistant subsequently
           remained vacant until the end of the year.
               Major J. McPherson, I.M.S., was Residency Surgeon and Chief Quarantine
           Medical Officer in the Persian Gulf throughout the year.
               Major W. F. T. O’Connor, O.I.E., remained Acting Consul at Shiras up to
           the 10th November, when, owing to the intrigues of the Germans, he and the
           rest of the British Colony were arrested by tbe rebellious Gendarmerie.. Major,
           O’Connor and the male portion of tho Colony aro unfortunately still prisoners.
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