Page 356 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 356


                       On the other hand, Ilaidar Khan, who had made himself most unpopular
                   with the pro-Gormaus and “ Democrats ** by his dotontion of "Wassmuss,
                   thought it advisable to take advantage of the old feud between Sliabankarch
                   and the Khan of Borasjun to make an alliance with tho former. An alliance
                   of friendly Khans consisting of Haiyat Daud, Lirawi, Rudhillah and
                   Shabankareh thus came about. Ahmad Khan of Angali did not actually join
                   it but remained friendly and refused to join tho hostile confederacy.
                       Things being so threatening when the time for tho relief of the detach­
                   ment of the 102nd Grenadiers came it was relieved by the Headquarters and
                   wing of the 96th Berar Infantry which arrived at Busiiirc on tho 6th April.
                   The other wing of the Regiment was subsequently sent to Busiiirc aud arrived
                   on the 18th May.
                       On the night of the Gtli-Gth May the Governor, who haa received
                   news that Haji Zair A li of Tangak was smuggling arms for the hostile Khans,
                   made an abortive effort to arrest Zair Ali. This individual and his men took
                   up positions in and around his village and defied the Governor’s men. The
                   latter therefore asked tho Residency for assistance, and tho Officer Commanding
                   96th agreed to send some men to assist. On the 6th May, therefore, after
                   sharp firing, Haji Ali’s village was lushed, and Haji Ali himself having been
                   wounded took sanctuary in lmamzadch shrine. He remained there for some
                   weeks but was finally induced, by limitation of his supply of water, to surren­
                   der to His Excellency the Governor who imprisoned him.
                       As the hostile Khans outside had been getting more threatening, it was
                  decided to taKC the opportunity to occupy a commanding point in Tangak
                  village and the other two villages near by overlooking tho Mashilleh, and thus
                  the support line was started. This was gradually improved and existed up to
                  the end of the year ; the line guards the approach to the Island on the Bast,
                  and runs across the Island about half a mile South of the Subzabad Residency.
                      Meanwhile ITassrauss had not been idle since his arrival at Shiraz on the
                  23rd March. He styled himself German Consul, and wassoon able to get plenty
                  of money. He at once began to intrigue with Mukhbir-us-Sultanch, the Gov­
                  ernor-General, and with tho Gendarmes. The Mukhbir, being an ardent pro-
                  German, entered into the business heart and soul. All the Swedish officers
                  and most of the Persian officers of the Gendarmerie in Kars were pro-German,
                  and so were only too ready to help Wassmuss.
                      The Governor-General entered into close communication with Gbazanfar
                  at Borasjun, and the Gendarme officers at Borasjun and Kazerun became
                  centres of pro-German intrigue. After two or three abortive efforts frustrated
                  by remonstrances made by His Majesty’s Legation at the instance of the
                  Residency and of the Consul at Shiraz, the Governor-General and the Gendar­
                  merie drove out the Kalantar of Kumarij, who was harmless but not inclined
                  to assist in their schemes.
                      A succession of Commandants of Gendarmerie in Fare, Major Pravitz,
                  Captains Pousette, Oertengren and Angmann all were only too ready to help
                  the German “ Consul ”.
                      In May, the Khan of Borasjun took tho opportunity to pay off old  scores
                  against the Khan of Shabankareh by helping the latter’s nephew Agha Khan
                  to rebel against him. The Khan of Shabankareh asked for and obtained help
                 from his allies the Khans of Bandar Rig and Rudhilleh and desultory fighting
                 between the parties went on the whole hot weather, and old Ismail Khan, the
                 Khan of Sbabankareb, was put to great expense. This fighting was useful to
                 us as it prevented Ghazanfar’s men joining those of Shaikh Husain and Zair
                 Khidhar in attacking Bushire, consequently the friendly Khans were assisted
                 from time to time with small presents of arms and ammunition.
                     Towards the end of May Wassmuss loft Shiraz and came to Abram,
                 where he was later on joined by Bohnstorff. On arrival he began to recruit
                 men and make presents to the two Khans, Shaikh Husain and Zair
                 Khidhar, with whom he chiefly consorted. Under pressure from him the
                 Khana increased the forces they had collected and got together a force of some
                 hundreds of men at Chogadak and Gurak. On tho I2th July news     was
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