Page 354 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 354


                        Monsieur Boiko continued to act as Imperial Russian Consul-General
                                                   throughout the year.
                            Foreign Roproacnlatlvcs.
                        Monsieur Vadala was Vice-Consul for France throughout tho year.
                        Dr. Lislcmann was German Consul up to tho 9th March, when it became
                    necessary to arrest and deport him to India, as it was found that he was carry­
                    ing on dangerous intrigues with disaffected Chiefs in the hinterland and inciting
                    them to attack the British Colony in Bushire.
                        Mullah Husain, Dragoman, remained in charge of the Turkish Consulate
                    until tho 8th August when Bushire was occupied by British troops : tho Turkish
                    flag was then removed and the Consulate has since remained in abeyance.
                        Tho local Manager of the Imperial Bank of Persia, Mr. W. F. Manson,.
                    held charge of the Norwegian Vice-Consulate throughout the year.
                        Charge of tho Dutch and Italian Consulates was held by the British
                    Consulate-General throughout the year,
                        Mirza Ali Muhammad Khan, Muwaqqar-ud-Dowleh, remained Governor
                     Local Govornroent and Torsian Officials. Gover- from the beginning of the year to the 8th
                    nor of Buahiro.                August when the British occupation of
                    Bushirc took place and he had to be relieved of his office. Ho .was despatched
                    to Bombay a week later, and ho has since remained there in retirement.
                        On the restoration of Bushire to the Persian Government, His Excellency
                    the Darya Begi was nominated Governor and arrived and took charge from the
                    British Military Governor on the 16th October.
                        Mirza Ahmad Khan, Masud-es-Sultaneli, was Karguzar or Persian Foreign
                                                   Office Agent up to the British occupation,
                                                   when he was relieved of his appointment,
                    and allowed to proceed to Mohammerah. On the restoration of Bushixe to the
                    Persian Government he was apparently re-appointed Karguzar, but was afraid
                    to return to Busbire as his old enemy the Darya Begi had become Governor.
                        Abdur Rcza remained Kalantar until the British occupation when he was
                                                   removed and Haji Yusuf appointed in his
                                                   place; the latter continued in office until
                   the end of ibe year.
                       Muklibir-us-Sultaneh was Govern or-General of Fars up to 14th September.
                                                   He was most actively pro-German and
                          Governor-Gcnoral of Fan.
                                                   anti-British, and by far the most dangerous
                   enemy we had in Southern Persia. His removal was made one of the conditions
                   for our evacuation of Bushire after occupation, and he was recalled and left
                   Shiraz on the 23rd September and, after hanging about the vicinity for about
                   a week, finally left the vicinity on the 30th September.
                       Qawam-ul-Mulk, a local magnate friendly to Great Britain, was appointed
                   Acting Governor-General in hia stead, but was not able to withstand the
                   intrigues and finally the attacks of the Germans, “Democrats” and rebellious
                   Gendarmarie, and was driven out of Shiraz towards the end of December. After
                   his disappearance the rebels appointed Nasir-ul-Mulk as Acting Governor.
                   Soon after the removal of the Mukhbir-us-Sultanch, the Persian Government
                   nominated His Royal Highness Nasrat-es-SuItan, the youngest son of His late
                   Majesty Muzaffar-ud-Din, Shall, but His Royal Highness never got beyond
                   Ispahan and is unlikely to take up ljis appointment until Qawam-ul-Mulk
                   has been able to regain possession of Shiraz.
                       Monsieur Bourgeois held charge of the office of Provincial Director of
                                                  Customs during the year. During the
                           Cute ms and Floanco.
                                                  period of British occupation, August 8th
                   to October 16th, Monsieur Bourgeois carried on the Customs Department under
                   the British Administration.
                       During the first three-fourths of the year vory largo imports of tea and
                   other goods took place and tho Customs receipts in Bushire were very
                   high. The increased imports were due to tho cessation of imports into
                   Persia through Baghdad vid the Dardanelles and Trebizond ana through
                  Bussia. In the first quarter an additional' roosoa was supplied by the
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