Page 365 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 365
FOE TUB YEAR 1015. 13
Mr. "W. R. Howson hold charge of the Vice-Consulate throughout tho year.
viavCcmauu The headquarters of the Vice-Con6ulato
were removed to Bandar Abbas on the
8th March on Mr. Howson’s appointment to hold charge of the Bandar Abbas
Vice-Consulate in addition to his own duties. Khan Bahadur Agha Badr,
Residency Agent, took oharge of tho current duties at Lingah and tho Vice-
Consul himself visited the place four times during the year.
Mirza Abul Kasim Khan hold the office of Deputy Governor till the 12th
of October when he left for Bushire
Local Official*.
where he was dismissed by His Excellency
the Darya Begi and Mirza Mahmood Khan appointed in his place. Mirza
Mamood Khan arrived in Lingah on the 27th October and continuod to hold
charge till the end of the year.
Mirza Abul Kasim Khan throughout adopted an attitude of unfriendliness
and obstruction towards the Vice-Consulate and particularly towards the Resi
dency Agent. The Deputy Governor performed tho duties of Karguzar during
the year.
Throughout the year Muhammad Khaja posed as Turkish Consul and
Muhammad Tahnun hold the nominal
Fordgn Representative*.
position of Agent to His Highness tho
Sultan of Maskat. Both men exhibited anti-British tendencies.
Monsieur Willcmsens held charge as Director of Customs up to the 17th
July when he proceeded on leave to
Europe. He was relieved by a committee
of three subordinates till the arrival of Monsieur Graux who took charge on the
29th August. M. Graux was in turn relieved by a committee of three till
Monsieur CatterselPs arrival on the 22nd November. Relations between the
Vice-Consulate and Customs Department have been most satisfactory.
The Customs Department continued to collect the Land Revenue till the
z3rd May when the Finance Department
Land Heron ua.
took over control. Asaf-ul-Mulk was
appointed Finance Agent and he continued to hold the office till the end • of
the year.
The province of Lar enjoyed complete immunity from pillage and disorder
Condition of the throughout the year.
No inter-tribal quarrels were reported on the Shib Kuh coast
Early in the year His Excellency the Qawam-ul-Mulk marohed with a
strong force towards Gaobandi to compel Shaikh Mazkur Khan to pay his
arrears of Eevenue. Three years’ Revenue were overdue, but the Qawam-ul-
Mulk showed a disinclination to have recourse to force of Arms and did not
even enter Gaobandi. He contented himself with obtaining payment of but
one year’s revenue and promises of future payments. The expedition cannot
be said to have been a success either financially or morally, as the expenses of
the undertaking must have greatly exceeded the amount recovered from the
Shaikh and he wo9 left to defy the Persian Government as soon as the Qawam'i
back was turned.
The town of Lingab caused a certain amount of anxiety during the year.
Two incidents are deserving of record.
The Customs Department deoided to ereot a flagstaff to replace the old
one which had becorao unserviceable. The Deputy Governor hearing of the