Page 367 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 367

FOR THE YEAR 1016.                      15
           Shiraz vid Bnstak and Lar. A local merchant, Haji Muhammad Sharif Fikri,
           was appointed by Herr Manicko, tho Firm's Agent, daring his absence. On the
           22nd September, JEaii Ali, who was returning from Shiraz to take oyer the
           Agency, was arrested by His Britannic Majesty's Vice-Consul some 20 miles
           out of .Lingah and doported to India.
               Tho case of tho “ Batal Zavor Prasad ” referred to on pages 15 and 16 of
                                         the report for ’ 1914 still remained un­
               Assistant Surgeon J. Johnstono, I.S.M.D., continued to hold charge of th(?
                                          Charitablo Dispensary and Quaratine
                   Mcvlicnl nod Quarantine.                                              [
                                         operations throughout the year. The total
           number of new cases treated was 2,205, an increase of 133 over the figures for
           the previous year. No cases of plague wero reported.
                                              W. R. HOBSON,
                                Assistant Resident and His Britannic Majesty9*
                                                           Vice-Consul, Lingah.
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