Page 368 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 368


                                               CHAPTER III,
                                     CONSULATE FOR THE YEAR 1915.
                         Captain B. V. Biscoe held charge of the Yioe-Consulato till the 13th of
                                                   March -when he was relieved by Mr*
                                                   W\ R. Hovrson, His Britannic Majesty’*
                     YiQe-Consul at Lingah, who continued in charge till tho end of the year.
                        Mirza Muhammad Ali Khan, Sadid-us-Saltaneh, held tho post of Russian
                                                   Consular Agent throughout the year.
                            Foreign RcpfeacntaUvet,
                                                      Mirza Ali Karam Khan, Shuja-i-
                              Local Government,
                                                   Nizam, continued as Deputy Governor
                                                   throughout the year.
                        Relations between him and tho Yicc-Consulate were most friendly and he
                    has worked energetically and loyally for British interests. He placed all hia
                    resources at the disposal of the Vice-Consul, first, on the oocasion of the attack
                    on the Anglo-Persmn Oil Company’s camp at Kargeh (Salag;, and again when
                    the British Colony evacuated Kerman.
                        Early in the year a dispute arose between the Deputy Governor and the
                    local merchants because the former had beaten aSaiyid. The merchants refused
                    to accept the decision of the Governor of the Gulf Ports and pressed the case
                    at Tehran through their representative in the ‘‘Majlis”, the Medhat-us-.
                    Sultaneh, with the result that orders for the dismissal of the Shuja-i-Nizam
                    were issued by the Minister of the Interior. The Residency, however, used
                    their kind offices and arranged a compromise between the parties.
                        The Deputy Governor carried out the duties of Karguzar during the year.
                        Karbalai Muhammad Hassan returned to Minah as Kalantar, or the 24th
                    February. He deserted his post, in August, when Baharlu raiders neared hia
                    district aud left for hia home at Lingah. En route he wrote to the Vice-Consul
                    and to the 8huja-i-Nizam asking them, to appoint a successor. Jluhammad
                    Ali Khan, brother of the 8huja-i-Nizam, was appointed and held the post
                    till the end of the year.
                        Monsieur Fourman held the post of Director of Customs up to the 19th of
                                 CuttomK           March when he was relieved by Monsieur
                                                   Guillaume who continued as Director till
                    the end of the year. Both Directors worked most amicably with the Vice-.
                    Consul and no difficulties arose.
                        Small parties of Kauristani robbers visited the district on three occasions.
                                                   Their   depre dations however were on a
                           Condition of the country.
                                                   spall 8 cale.  The victims on pne occasion
                    were four Hindu Fakirs.
                        On the 10th of Jui*e a party of 6 Kautfstani ruffians, in broad daylight*
                   made a determined attack on the Angio-Persian Oil Company’s camp at Kargeh
                    (Salagj on Kishm island. A servant of a member of the Company’s staff
                   was wounded and the raiders, as was ascertained later, had one of their number,
                   wounded who died a few days later.
                       The motive for the attack was not clear. It was obviously not robbery
                   and can only bo set down to German intrigue. Only three wepks before the
                   outrage the German, Herr Manicke, with his assistant, the notorious Haji All,
                   paesed through the Bjistak district (in the jurisdiction of which Kaunstan
                   lies), and it is quite probable they bribed the raiders tp attack the camp.
                       Rewards were offered for the apprehension of the offenders and letters
                   written to the authorities at Bastak and 8hiraz, but the pulprita bad not been
                   PPPTphended at the close of the year, Rauriatan is a sparsely-populatpd w
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