Page 492 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 492
68 Persian gtjl? administration msfort
It is stated that there is on the Batinah coast a certain amount of traffic i
slaves with Mokran, a matter which is receiving due attention. 11
The French Consul, Monsieur Jeannier, has now been in Mnskat
7 years. Bis health is suffering fa COn%
French Intfront*.
sequence and ho is constantly ill with
fever and rheumatism while his nerves aro going to pieces. Ho rarely leave*
his house thus, though relations aro cordial, a meeting necessitates a visit to
him and he hardly mixes in the European life of the place.
Abdul Aziz, the French Dragoman, notorious in the past for his anti-British
conduct, once previously oppressed a desire to enter British service. A sound,
ing of the present incumbent on the same subject can only have emanated
from him. It is to be suspected that Abdul Aziz is in touch with the rebel
tribes of the interior.
There is only one French subject in Maskat, an Algerian convert to
Muhammadanism from Judaism and a nophew of Monsieur Gugoycr, one
Ibrahim Elbaz Gugoyer.
The French Torpedo Boats “ Lefrondc” and “ Perecote” arrived from Bom
bay and left for Aden on the 22ud February.
Instructions were received, in December, that the French Government had
agreed to lend to His Majesty’s Government the French Coal and Oil Dep&t
and sheds at Mokalla for the purpose of enabling fuel oil to be stored for ships
proceeding to Basrah but, up to the end of the year, the French Counsul had net
received hi9 official instructions to hand over the DepGt. ('these were received
later and the Depot was duly taken over.)
The list of Oman dhows entitled to fly the French flag showed 12 vessels
enjoying that privilege.
There is a remarkable divergence of opinion in previous reports on the
health of Maskat due no doubt to the
variation in different years.
Prevalence of malarial fevers is, however, shown by the medical returns of
the various regiments which have been stationed at Bait-ul-Falaj.
The highest number of men admitted into hospital from all diseases in one
month was, in 1915, in the month of February 365 men out of a strength of
968 while in 1916 it fell to 136 men out of 901 in tho month of June. In
3915, 3,459 cases of malaria occurred a number which was reduced to 380 in
The prevailing illnesses where malaria, diarrhoea and boils, the malarial
months being from December to ApriL
Out of a detachment of men working on a piquet, in August 25 got sun
stroke, 3 cases being fatal.
There were no epidemics during tho year.
A useful report on the general health of the place is to be found in an
article written by Major C. Gill, I.M.8., Medical Officer of the 96tb« Bussells
Infantry entitled “Malaria in Maskat** and published in July 1916 by the
Indian Journal of Medical Research.
The Reverend F. J. Baray was in charge of clerical side while Dr. (Mbs) S.
Hosman conducts the women’s and child
Atari con Million.
ren’s hospital. ..,
Muhammad Fazil of Messrs. Towell and Company, Agents to the Britis"
India Steam Navigation Company and
formerly American Vice-Consul, died on
the 4th August. ,
The total rainfall for the year was 10*45 inches against an average o
Rainfall. 2*04 inches. .
8ome remarkable rains took place. During the week ending the
January 3*85 inches fell. 1*52 inches fell during the week ending tho l°l
April and 2*44 inches during the week ending the 17th ApriL
Political Agent, Maskat.