Page 496 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 496

                  renal and extremely dilatory. (Dismissed in January, 1917). Muhammad bi
                  Fadhal, Salifa Judge, has beon prompt and just in his decisions. Ho deaj1
                  ■with pearling eases. Khalifah bin Mubarak, Judge of the Marino Court,
                  given satisfaction in tho few cases sent to him.             *
                      ’Ali bin Hussain, tho Amir of Manama^, though extremely corrupt, ha.
                  worked well and there have been no complaints of his conduct in eases in which
                  Foreigners have been concerned. Tho Agenoy has not much to do with Fahad
                  bin ’Abdur Rahman, Amir of Muharrnm. "What work ho has had to do, ha*
                  beon well done.
                     jndicUL The number and details of cases brought to tho Court of the
                             Political Agent during the'year aro shown below—

                                          Oralt with by  Nationality or rAXTiss.
                                   i  *i
                                   l  &  'S  a  •a 8,  4  a        ♦j      Rruabxi,
                                     1 *3          -a *  I tf  a a  s li j
                                     i  •= r  •i  .1  2  5  ■a  2  i 2
                                           •3 Sfc s
                                           cr  £  3   Is   n  £  O ,*-«

                  Criminal         CO  41  1  16    2  10  11  14  C5  18  6  8 8 bad cb«rw4*n

                  Cbil            CO5 447 126  43  CO  1  23 133  ilS 421 611  74 144  34  Valuo Ba.

                      H. E. Shaikh Sir‘Abdul’ Aziz bin ‘Abdur ’ Babman al Faisal bm
                                                Sa’ud, Ruler of Nejd, was appointed to be
                           Ban atfd Qatif.
                                                a Knight Commander of the Order of the
                  Indian Empire in November and invested with the Insignia of the Order by
                  the Hon’ble the Resident at Kuwait The administration of the ’Oqair an
                  Qatif Customs has been greatly improved during the year and the amoUD
                  offered for the farm has risen from^Bs. 2,10,000 to Rs. 3,30,000. The **^1
                  Riyadh trade route was unsafe during the first quarter of the year—several
                  caravans were looted by tribes hostile to Bin 8a*ud, but safety wa*   gub-
                 8equently restored.
                     The Hon’ble the Resident and the Political Agent visited Qatar &
                                                  No cases of Piracy were reported-
                                                 ' The following Government
                       VUU of HU MBjm/'a Sklpa.
                                                visited Bahrain

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