Page 495 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 495

                                   FOE TEE YEA.E MM.

                                     CHAPTER X.
             ADMINISTRATION report POR THE BAHRAIN agency for
                                   THE YEAR 1916.
               Charge of Agency was held by the following Officers for the period
               Major T. II. Keyea       •   . From January 1st to March 11th.
               Major IL Stewart, C.I.E.  .   .   „ March 12th to May 3rd.
               Mr. J. M. DaCosfca (Head Clerk) •   •   „ May 4th to Juno 30th.
               Captain T. C. Fowls          .   „ July Ut to November 16th.
                     P. G. Loch             •   „ November 17th to December 31st.
                Major H. Stewart was ailing while he was here and, on appearing before
            a medical board at Bombay, was granted 6 months’ combined leave. Assistant
            Surgeon G. K. Monani proceeded on 6 months’ sick leave on November 25th
            and°Assistant Surgeon A. J. Kapasi officiated in charge of the Victoria Memo­
            rial Hospital from December 13 th.
                Relations with Shaikh Isa have been satisfactory throughout the year and
                                          no difficulties have arisen. Shaikh *Ali
                Shaikh I&& ad Al Khalifat Family.
                                          bin Ahmad al IChalifah, nephew of
            Shaikh Isa, died of fever at Rafa’ah, near Manamah, on December 8th.
                As stated above Assistant Surgeon Mor.ani went on sick leave in Novem­
                                           ber and his place was filled by Assistant
                  Victoria Memorial Hospital.
                                           Surgeon, A. J. Kapasi, on December 13th.
                The Hospital remained closed from November 25th to December 12th.
            The number of cases treated, as compared with the 2 previous years, are as

                                              Indoor.    Outdoor.     Total.

             1914                                49        4,640       4,689
             1915                                49        5,665       5,714
             1916                                34        5,057       5,091

                Captain T. C. Powle, Political Agent, went to Qatar with the Hon’ble
                                           Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Percy Cox,
                     Political Agent’s Tour.
                                           K.C.S.L, K.C.I.E., Political Resident in
             the Persian Gulf, in H M. S. uLawrence” on November 2nd and to Qatif on
             November 12th
                The Shaikh’s Quarantine Medical Officer, Dr. F. K. Boomla, proceeded on
                                           6 months* leave on December 13th and
                    Plague and Quarantine.
                                           Assistant Surgeon A. J. Kapasi took over
             the duties of the Quarantine Medical Officer. There was no epidemic during
             the year.
                The erection of the wireless plant was completed in June 1916, and the
                                            stalion was opened to the public on the
                     Wlraleaa Station.
                                            24th of that month.
                Qadhi Shaikh Jasim bin Mehzah has beon the Chief Sunni Qadhi through­
                                            out tho year. He has tried a largo number
                    Local Official* and Ifajli*.
              ... «...                        cases nt the Political Agent’s request
             with justice and despatch. Qadhi Shaikh Khalaf, the Shi’ah Qadhi, is still
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