Page 618 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 618
carried off b >v Baluohis Somo of the dhow’b fittings were recovered with
difficulty ana auctioned and the proceeds paid to tho owner. 8omo anchors
sails and ropes taken to Muscat by somo Baluchis were recovered by the Poli-
tical Agent and handed over to owner’s branch office there.
Saleh Muhammad, a British Indian - 8ubject, arrested in 'Juno 1916, fnr
giving military information and deported to Karachi, was released and sent back
to Oharbar. Security for his good behaviour has been given.
The following ships of the Royal Navy called at Charbar during
Ktr/ the year:-
)% Bramble, ” u Britomart M and “ Mozaffer”.
The first aeroplane to fly from Europe to India landed at Charbar at 12-30
p.M. on the 9th December and left for
Karachi next morning. She was piloted
by Brigadier-General A. E. Borton and carried Brigadier-General W. Salmond
and Captain Smith as passengers and two mechanics.
Munshi Abdur Rahim was Native Assistant, Gwadur, throughout the year.
His retention in Government service was sanctioned fora further period of one
year from 1st July 1918.
Saiyid Saif bin Badar has continued to be the Wali of His Highness tie
Sultan of Muscat at Gwadur.
The management of His Highness the Sultan’s customs has remained iu
_ . the bands of Seth Muhammad Rah moo
Cartcnn. ,.
All disputes among British Indian subjects, and between the Sultan's
and British Indian Subjects were settled
by arbitration on the spot or by cor-
respondcnce with the Director at Karachi,
Seven slaves took refuge in Gwadur during the year. All of them were
sent by the Native Assistant to Karachi
at Government expense.
The slave named Jumak reported to be kidnapped by Mir Dost Muhammad
Khan in last year’s report was set at liberty and left for Bombay,
In August a Baluchi named Dad Shah (British Mekran subject) carried
Mardw off a donkey belonging to Shahdad (Persian
^ r Jr Mekran subject) from outside Gwadur.
Shahdad and Yusuf (a friend of Shahdad and a British Mekran subject) went
in pursuit of the thief and overtook him at a place between Dasht and Mund.
Dad Shah was shot dead by Yusuf. During October the brothers of the
murdered Baluchi came to Gwadur at night time and avenged themselves by
shooting dead Dilmiirad, son-in-law of Shahdad. The matter was referred to
tho Assistant Political Agent, Mekran.
During May dingy “ Husaini ” sank in shallow water, at Gwadur. The
_ , greater part of the cargo was salved. . In
1 Tcr"a* July another vessel named- “Fateh
Rahma,” with a cargo of ropes, planks, and charcoal, etc, sank at Peshkan
near Gwadur. Some of the cargo was salved and arrangements are in progress
to bring it to Gwadur,
Director, Persian Gulf Telegraphs,
in Political Charge, JUekran Coast.
Karachi j
The 1st ilarch 19-19.