Page 623 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 623
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Tho new
Po.»«. October, but the Telegraph Department
havc not vacated the rooms in the Consulate yet, a's the Telegraph Authontioa
^•ero not satisfied and required further addition to the building. The
being carried out by Civil Works, Basrah.
The telegraph lino between Mohammerah, Ahwaz, Shushtar, Dizful
Behbehan was not in any way mter-
Teieg'aph*. fered with during the year.
Tho Anglo-Peraian Oil Company, Limited, carried on their work during
b the year. The transport of crude oil
Erlti>h Interwt*. to the Refinery has been maintained
A " flying bridge ’* across the the Karun river, a few miles above the
town of Mohammerah, has now teen constructed and by this means (and in
conjunction with the “ Marid Bridge ”) it is now possible to travel right through
to Ahwaz, by motor car, from either Basrah or Mohammerah, without
One unit of refinery extension has been brought into effect at the end of
the year whereby an additional 4 million
Refinery. gallons of crude oil monthly is dealt with.
Further extensions are in hand but war conditions have hampered progress in
this direction.
Messrs. Strick, Scott and Company, Limited, have during tho current
grain season held a contract from local resources for purchase of the whole of
the Mesopotamian Expeditionary Force requirements of wheat throughout the
Karun aad local districts. Some 2,500 tons have so far been purchased,
bagged and shipped to Basrah.
Messrs. Lynch Brothers, Limited, have carried on their work throughout
the year. The Military Authorities returned Messrs. Lynch Brothers one of
their*tug boats in May which is now on the 'Mohammerah-Ahwaz run.
Messrs. The Imperial Bank of Persia continued their work throughout
the year. Mr. A. L. Simpson, Manager of the Imperial Bank, resigned his
appointment and was relieved in March by Mr. E. A. Eayres-Gardner who
continues to act as Manager.
In July, His Excellency the Shaikh of Mohammerah generously made a
grant of land for enlargement of the Christian Cemetery, there being very
little vacant space for burials. The Military Authorities at Basrah made a
special grant of Rs. 300 and also bad a suitable enclosing wall built. Further
improvements were carried out with funds contributed by the different British
firms. The Dew addition was consecrated by Major-General the Bishop of
Lahore on 25th June.
The Bahmanshir Blockade Police Post for the inspection of craft coming
i . p up that river was withdrawn on 25th
a 0 ,cfl* November in accordance with orders from
Headquarter Lines of Communication, Basrah.
The British and Indian Convalescent Dep6ts continued at Mohammerah
Military ctanM Sqth. mitil Decem^r, when it was decide! by
, the Military Authorities: to close down
the British Dep6t, the Indian still continues.
Haji Rais-ut-Tujjar, C.LE., who owns the land and date trees where these
depots were, petitioned that as considerable loss had been incurred by the
cutting of date trees and stoppage of irrigation, he should be compensated
and asked that some of the buildings and electrical machinery be made *
to him on demobilisation of Dep6ts.
A committee consisting of a Senior Officer, Works Department, Deputy
weotor, Agriculture, Medical Representative and Acting His Britannia
Majesty* b Consul, was assembled to assess damages and the findings