Page 619 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
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vep0rt No. 56, dated 25th December 1918, from Mr. F. Hughes, Assistant
Superintendent, Jack Sub-Division, to the Director, Persian Oujf
Telegraphs, Karachi.
I liave the honour to submit a brief report on the condition of the country
between Biyaban and Bahu for tho year 1918.
Mir Barkat has been Kalantar of this district throughout the year,
considerable amount of ill-feeling exists between the 'Tahirzais and the Mirs
of Biyaban owing to blood feuds. Mir Barkat had written in May saying that,
the former were quite willing to have matter referred to Shara but that it was
necessary that some high official should be present to enforce the decision.
On the 2nd of August 1918 news was received that the Tahjrzais had.
surrounded the house of Saiyid Abdur Rahim of Biyaban with intention to kill
him and in his absence shot his brother-in-law.
Oa 13th October 1918 Colonel Gregson arrived at Jask but Mir Barkat,
who had been asked to come there and lay his grievances before him, did not
have an interview, as he would not come into the limits, having taken an oath
that he would never enter the limits as some years previously he had been
taken prisoner there and handed to the Persian authorities.
As far as can be ascertained nothing has yet been settled.
On the 18lh August 1918, report was received that three Turks had left
Sib for Biyaban via Bampur and Rudbar ; they were lost sight of after leaving
the latter place. On the 2nd December 1918, it was reported that they had
visited Barkat but where they went to subsequently not known.
Nothing else of importance has occurred in this district during this year.
Jask Distbict.
The district continues to be administered by Mir Mustafa Khan and the
condition has generally throughout the year been satisfactory. On the 19th
of September a fracas took place between the Sunnis and Shias, but a settle
ment was brought about, the principal offender on either side being punished,
the former with imprisonment and the latter with a fine.
Mir Hoti of Jask has very little influence in the district, gives us no
trouble and does his best to look to our interests in the place.
Gaik Distbict.
The Sardar of this district is Hussain Khan. He is still very young and
headstrong. At first his uncle Mudat Khan was guardian but in June, owing
to Mndat Khan squandering most of the revenue, Hussain Khan asked
Mahmud Khan of Panooch to be his guardian and look to his interests. This,
of course, caused a deal of ill-feeling, and Mudat Khan claimed half the Gaih
district, producing a bond containing Hussain. Khan’s this effect. It is
said that the bond was forcibly obtained at the time Hussain Khan lefc the fort
to attend the funeral ceremony of Islam Khan and on his return found the
fort occupied by Azam Khan, son of Mndat Khan, and admittance was refused.
After the-bond had been sealed, Mudat Khan and his son evacuated the fort
and built another a short distance away. When Mahmud Khan took over the
S&ardianship, Mudat Khan arranged with Mir Hoti of Lashar to drive Hussain
Khan out. The attempt proved unsuccessful, the casualties being very small.
* Muhammad of Dashtiari, who is fast becoming the most powerful chief
*o these parts, gave Mudat Khan his moral support, and is doing hh best to
Ret a share in the governing of Gaih district, and tried to arrange a marriage
etween his daughter and Hussain Khan so as to have an excuse to enter
km but up to date the matter has not been settled.
Bint Distbict.