Page 625 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 625

                                  TOK THE TEAK 1018-

                                    CHAPTER VII.
          A                     FOR THE YEAR 1918.

              ”“<■* ft. .W .£ 08*11;°o. B.e'pAIL°r»rMS
                     Porsonnol.          Officer, held charge of the current duties
          of the Vice-Consul from 11th January to 1st April when he   was relieved by
          Captain C. J. Edmonds from Dizful Unfortunately Captain Edmonds fell
          Bick on 1st May and had to be invalided and Captain Peel officiated from that
          date until the end of the year.
              Mr. A. J. Sequeira and Khan Sahib Mirza Muhammad Rahim continued
          as Head Clerk and Head Mirza, respectively, throughout the year.
              Sub-Assistant Surgeon Atta Muhammad continued to be attached to the
          Civil Hospital Ahwaz throughout the year.
              In Arabistan proper no events worth chronicling occurred during the
                                         year which was one of unusual prosperity
                       Goneral.          and contentment.
              Shaikh Maula superseded Shaikh Mizail as the Chief of the Chaab Dubais
          Arabs near Shush.
              Prices ruled hich during the early part of the year but came down with
          a rush vrhen the harvest was assured.
              The Eakhtiari Khans have agreed to pay revenue on the whole of their
          Arabistan estates including Aquili and Ram Hormuz as from I\au Ruz 1919
              Early in 191$ it was reported that the Direkvnnd tribes intended to
                                          attack the Sagwan&s under Sartip Khan.
                   Dizful aud Lz rihaa.
                                          To prevent this squadrons of cavalry
          were held in readiness at Dizful for three weeks and two Aeroplanes flew ever
          the Baharvrand Camps. As there was no further hostile demonstration the
          troops were withdrawn.
              From July onwards a fine of three tomans was levied on every load
          leaving for Khurramabad as a punishment for the big caravan robbery last
              Four or five caravans went up using the Papi and Qalawand routes.
          The last caravan numbering about 1,000 animals left in July and used the
          Babarwand route. The Mir Ali Khani issued from Mungarreh and plundered
          the whole of the caravan which contained little Dizful or Khurramabad
          property and the Sagwands are reported to have recovered most of the loads.
              Thanks to the drastic treatment meted out to the Kalantar family last
                      EWfcbir.           Jear>tbere kive tee* do further distur­
                                         bances in the town.
              Cordial relations were maintained by successive Assistant Political Officers
          ^ith the Governor-General, more . specially during; Vikar-ul-Mulk’s tenure o£
          that office.
             The Miyannb Canal has.been cleaned out at a cost of about 4,000 tomans
          *hich is gradually being recovered by the sale of the water.
             Subject to payment by the Bakhtiari Khans of the revenues of their
          Arabistau estates, the force of 50 Bakhtiari sowars formerly maintained in
                  ^ ^ *n°'Ted 10 return* Their W is debitable to Arabistan
             8ardar Zafiar and Sardar Ashjaa continued to bold the office of IUkhani and
                     B&khtiari.          Illbegi respectively throughout the year.
             The beginnirg of the year found the Tehran Khans ffenMii-
              10 « a»d to the policy of the Illkhani and Ilibeef 'Ke lztLr h
            1*“ 0f mal'erhl £BPP°rt from British Government hid 4en di^jS
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