Page 630 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 630
considering the forms upon which they are. Tho letters might almost be
described as humblo,
An incident-of some gravity occurred at Sur in April One Hamad bin
8alim-ol-Arami, a man of some importance in the interior and an adherent of
the Imam, came into the town under the Khafirat or tribal responsibility 0f
Shaikh Nasir bin Ali of tho Jennebeh. The Wali on hearing of his arrival
sent some Askaris to bring to him both the visitor and “ Khafir. 1 Tho man
refused to como and a fracas took place in which both Hamad bin Salim and
his Khafir were killed aa well as the Akid (officer) of tho Askaris and one or
two men.
The condition of Sur has generally been unsatisfactory, and His Highness
was obliged to put a fine of dollars 7,000 on tho place on account of the
disturbances between the inhabitants. He can always recover such fines c_
long as he has our support since the people of Sur depend upon their dhow 8
for a living and cannot trade without his passport.
There have been continual rumours of attacks by the Imam on 8ur
Yankal or Baraimi. There is no doubt that the Government of the Imam*
iounded as it is on Muhammadan religio—imperialistic ideas, wishes to bring
all the country it can under its Bway but its power for attack was, at any rate
for the moment, used up in the taking of Bostaq and a further advance was
impracticable during the year for financial reasons.
There is little to add and nothing to fake away from last year’s report.
Conditions have changed but little though
Bit HightCBi’ A&miniilrstioD.
there is this difference that the administra
tion of the Sultan in the Capital and in Muttra is dow undoubtedly better
than that of his Walis in the districts.
His Highness has on the representations of tho Political Agent mado some
economies with regard to guards and bis financkil position at the end of this
year is probably not so much worse than it was last year.
The Sultan has Walls in the places mentioned below in Oman. Ali these
places are sea ports with tho exception of Boshar which is about 12 miles
inland from Muscat towards the Y’adi SemaU. All the Wali3 named are
members of His Highness* family of Al-Bn-Saidi with the exception of the
Walis of Khabuiah, Suwaiq and Boshar.
District. Nwne of W&IL
Sot Hamad bin H&mcd AJ-fla-Saidi.
Quryat • Saif bin Badr Al-Ba-Saidi.
Muttra Mohammad bin Ahmad hin Nasir-Al-Bu Saidi.
Sib Muhammad bin filial Al-Bu-Saidi.
Barkah . Hilal bin Hamad Sara rear Al-Ba-Saidi.
Masnaah Qa titan bin Faarab ALBa-SaidL
Suwaiq . Salim bio Said bin Safun A'amn.
Kbaborah MnzafFar bin Suleiman Mam Ink.
Sabam Nasir bin IIa mad Al-Bo-SaidL
Sobar Mohammad bin Hamad-Al-Ba-Saidi.
Khaaab . Muhammad biu Badr Inn Saif-Al-Bu-Saidi.
Sbinat • Hilal bin Ali bin Badr Al-Bo-Saitfi.
Bos bar • Ali Bin Abdallah Al-Kkalili.
In addition His'High ness has Waits at Gwadur on the Mekrsn coast *ud
an Dhofar 600 miles away towards Aden.
DhtrioL Kama of WaE.
Gwadur Saif bin Badr bin Saif Al-Bn-8aidi.
Bbofar • Abdullah bin Suleiman Al-Harraa.
The country intervening between the'districts of the Wali of Sur and that
of the Wali of 3)hofar has no Government on behalf of the Sultan of Oman-
The Qazi for the trial of 8har&* cases is Saleh bin Aamir-Ai-Tewani.