Page 633 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 633

                                    for the. year ins.

            between Khadhra and Sobar.                        #           , .

            who supply the slaves in Mekran.
                Ten slaves were manumitted during the year.
                Trade fell off considerably and prices rose greatly during the year. ®
                                            imports which normally in peace tunes
                         Trade.             equal Rs. 42.00,000 ' and exports
            Its. 40,00,000 fell respectively to Rs. 24,99,725 and Rs. 23,58,978.
                The price of dollars continued high, and has proved a severe handicap to
            merchants who are anxious to have a fixed coinage of rupees instead of the
            fluctuating dollar rate.
                Tne average peace rate of exchange is Rs. 142 per 100 dollars.
                The prices for the year were as follows :—
                   January                                287 per 100 dollars.
                   February                                221
                   March                                   222 „ ,,
                   April                                   212 ., „   »»
                   May                                     225 „   „  it
                   Jane                                    247 *   „  r>
                   July                                    2i* „ „    it
                   August                                  252 n M    n
                   September                               2*4 „ „
                   October                                 2U „   „   a
                   November                                    „ n     ft
                    December                                215 H u    •r
                 A greater hardship for the poor than the fluctuation is the consequent
             fluctuation of the local copper pice. The normal rate is about 140-150 to tho
             rupee whereas it has fallen to 100 and less during the year.
                 As noted under Personnel Monsieur Jeannier, the French Consul at Muscat,
                                            died on the 22nd September from inflam-
                       French intcrosta.
                                             nation of the kidneys. He had resided in
             Muscat for nearly eight years without going on leave and his health had conse­
             quently become very bad, indeed he rarely'* left his bouse. In the course of
             two years he was only known to go out on'four occasions.
                 Thereiare now six Omani dhows* remaining which are entitled to fly the
             French Flag.                                                    *
                                               Doctor (Miss) Hosmon left for America
                       American mission.
                                             on 16th February.
                 Revd. G. and Mrs. Yan Persuem and Miss Lutton left for India in Mav
             returning as usual in the autumn.                                   J
                 The rainfall for the year totalled only 1-96 or about half the average.
                      Climafe and health.    The highest temperature was 113 2 but
              the' wet bulb rather than the actual highest recordSi temperature* ^ ***** °f
                 An epidemic of small-pox broke ont in the begincin->of March and
              SaUand 48 deeaThldl6 °f JUUe' 89 ^ *ere               in        con-

              ...pubXSfti                                             *«? »»4
              numerous and the Imam Salim bin Rashid el                deaths '"’ere
              0f      in the country outside N«Sto l>‘ '*** *7

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