Page 634 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 634
Many thousands died of the disease. Lieutenant Joseph Morgan, L W.T
of S. 45 was landed suffering with influenza and diod on the 6th October. * ''
The Hired Transport " Oruro ” from Karachi arrived at Muscat on the
10th May and was found to bo on fire
Casualtiei »t Be*.
The fire started in her bunkers but rapidly
Spread to the cargo and it was only by the efforts of the 3rd Brahmans assisted
subsequently by H. M. 8. “ Britomart ” that the fire was put out and the ship
saved. On finding that the S. 8. “ Oruro ” was on fire a survey was held aid
the ship beached opposite the Consulate. Considerable damage was done but
the engines were not touched and the ship was subsequently able to proceed
to Karachi under her own steam.
A. T. “ Syiia " while leaving Muscat harbour on the 4th September collid
ed with a dhow outside and sank it.
His Highness Sultan Taimur, upon whom tho Companionship of the Star
of India had been conferred on the 1st
January, was presented with the order
on the King's Birthday by the Political Agent in tho piesence of a large
assembly. Tents had been erected and a dais made for the purpose in the
open square outside the Sultan's palace. The French Consul, Monsieur
Jeannier, Commander Richards, R N., H. M. S. “ Britomait ” and Major Hogg,
Officiating in Command 3rd Brahmans, and officers were present and all the
leading Arabs and British subjects were also invited. H. M. S. “ Britomart"
and the Sultan’s Fort fired salutes in honour of the occasion.
On the 3rd October a Parhar was held for the presentation of the decora
tion of the lCban Bahadur to Khan Sahib Nasib, Kaval Contractor, whose good
work throughout the war had earned him that honour. The Sultan was repre
sented by llis brothers Saiyid Salim and Saivid Muhammad. The Officers
Commauding H. M. 8 “Bramble” and H. if. S. “ McLaffer” were preset
and officers from the 3rd Brahmans.
L. HAWORTH, Major,
Political Agent and Sit Britannic Majesty'* Consul, Muscat.