Page 635 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 635

                                     JOB THE YBAB 1018.

                                       CHAPTER IX.
                                        YEAR 1918.
                 Only one event worthy of record occurred on the coast during the year
             The Shaikh of Ajman committed himself somewhat heavily by flogging and
            . expelling a Persian subject for alleged adultery, then defending himself by
             alleging that this punishment waa inflicted after trial by a Qazi, being well
             aware thjit the Qazi had found the offence unproven, though he was probably
             unaware of the fact that the decision had been given in writing. The offence
             against a foreign subject was in itself serious, and was much aggravated by
             the prevarication. He was called upon, on the next visit by the Peputy
             Political Resident, to restore the man’s property, compensate him, and pay a
             fine of Rs. 5,000. Tho Shaikh was at first inclined to bo contumacious, but
             capitulated on seeing a boat from the “Lawrence** ostentatiously taking
             soundings to a point opposite his fort. He came off before the expiiy of the
             time-limit, with the fine in full. The case was not a very serious one in itself,
             but in all these matters the attention of the Shaikhs is immediately attracted
             by any sign of weakness or indulgedce on the part of the British Government
             towards undoubbxL in fractions of Treaty.
                TTae      fishery was moderately successful but trade was considerably
             ktsupered hj the prohibition both of tho import of coin for financing the
             fishery, and of the export of pearls from India.
                                                        J. H. BILL,
                                          Deputy Political Resident, Persian Gulf.
                  Busmiee :
               The 26th July 1919.
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