Page 28 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
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Records of Bahrain
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, regard to . the ljrafc question,, viz., that of
the- independence of Bahrein, the following account
’•wa?’given by'the Indian Governmentr.
VII. was Arab;.Sheikhs, till 1506,
•when, it fell into the hands of .•the.. Portuguese, from
whom it was wrested in a few, Persia.
During part of the 17th century, and for 25 years
at the end of the 18th century, Bahrein paid
tribute to the Shah; but from 1782 to 1801 it
gave her allegiance to Muscat.
: "From 1801 to 1820 the Wahabcesand Uttoobecs llcrtblet’s Treaties, vol. viii,
fought for the possession of the" islands; in the p. 71)4 ;
State Papers, vol. lvi, p. 1400.
latter year a Treaty was concluded, in which Bahrein
and all the Chiefs of the Gulf pledged themselves
to pcaco. with the British Government,-and the
suppression of piracy. The Uttoobecs, at that time
masters of Bahrein, in 183G agreed, on certain
conditions, to pay tribute, to the Wahabccs, and
in 1839 made'the same arrangement with Egypt,
which, however, soon fell to the ground.
“ In 1845, the British Government first used
their influence with Bahrein, when (on the occasion
of disputes arising between the members of the
ruling family ip the island) they objected to the
interference of Persia, and ordered an exiled cx-
Sheikh to abstain from disturbing the peace of the
gulf. In 1847 (? 1848) the ruling Sheikh of
Bahrein offered allegiance to Great Britain, which,
however, was refused. In 1859, the above-men
tioned cx-Shcikh was expelled from his stronghold,
whence ho had organized piratical expeditions against
Bahrein. Shortly afterwards the ruling Sheikh on
being remonstrated with on account of certain law
less acts, declared his allegiance to Turkey > but in
1801 he concluded a Treaty with Great Britain State Papers, rol. rt, p. 1402.
(similar to that of 1820)promising, as “independent
Ruler of Bahrein,” to abstain from acts of piracy, &c.
" Her Majesty’s Government having concluded
this .Treaty with the Sheikh a6 an independent
ruler, .refused to concur in a proposal made by the
Shah that the Sovereignty of Bahrein should be
transferred%to the’ Persian Grown.
" Tho despatch , then'called attention to the fact
that when, in 18G8, it was found. necessary to
punish the Chief.of Bahrein without reference being
made to Persia, the $hah!s- remonstrance was met
by a reference’to the decision .of . Her Majesty’s