Page 24 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
P. 24
350 Records of Bahrain
iyA?;abSn^thc news reached''India; tlmt an Mr. Thomson, No. 83,
attack had been made on the Chief placed in power November ig/1869.
nl Bahrein by* the British Government, and abroach
committed of the <l maritime truce,” orders were sent
to Colonel Polly to proceed to Bahrein with a naval
force, and to 'call upon the Chief in possession to
•account for his conduct. On receipt of thesis
instructions, Colonel Polly telegraphed to Mr. Alison
to inform the Persian Government accordingly,
and he did so, when the Persian Minister replied
that the Arabs in those parts had killed Mahomed
been Khnlccfah, who had been the cause of the
recent disturbances; that Colonel Polly’s proceeding
there was therefore useless ; and that lie hoped he
would be instructed by telegraph not to go to
Bahrein. lie also told Mr. Thomson that the Per
sian Government would itself keep the affairs of
Bahrein by land in order, and that should any thing
happen to affect its affairs by sea, it would request
the British Government to send a naval force to put
affairs in order.
A Persian Agent, Meerza Mclulcc Khan, was then Mr. Thomson, No. o-»;
sent to Bahrein to inquire into the recent proceedings December II, 18G9«
there of Colonel Pclly. In obedience to his orders,
the Agent addressed letters to the Chief of Bahrein,
and forwarded them by a special messenger, who pro
ceeded to the island in a native boat belonging to a
Persian named Ilydcr Khan; but Colonel Pclly*
who had reached the island with several vessels
before the Persian messenger arrived, prevented
him from landing or communicating with the
Chief, whereupon the Persian Agent returned to
Bushiro without delivering the letters to whom they
they were addressed.
On th'c arrival at Tehran of news of this event,
Mr. Alison .had an interview with the Persian
Prime Minister, when the Minister said that the
Shah expressed regret at the conduct pursued
by Colonel Pclly towards the Persian Agent, but Mr. Thomson, No. 7;
which he attributed to some misunderstanding. lie *,An,mry
stated that the Persian Government had no reason
tq ; complain of . the . punishment .inflicted on
. -Mahomed been Kl^aledah for‘hislawlertfi proceedings,
• tj^;^x||re?6eda:,^e;thatsteps’vvpujcl-be' tatan to N
on th'c return of the Persian Agcht, ; • •.
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