Page 20 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
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346 Records of Bahrain
when the Governor of Bahrein was openly avowing
his submission to, and dependence upon, Persia;
and that he (the Governor) considered Bahrein to
he indisputably Persian, in proof of which he stated
the Persian flag was flying over his fort.
This hoisting of the flag was evidently of little
importance, as Captain Felix Jones Ims said that he
has himself seen the Turkish and Persian flag
hoisted alternately from the same flag-staff, accord
ing as the Chief had reason to fear the prcBcnco of
a Turkish or Persian official in thencighbourhood.
Lieutenant-Colonel Pclly, however, acted under India Office, Dcccrabof 31,18G8»
direct orders from the Bombay Government, with
regard to the punishment of the “ arch-pirate ”
Mahomed been Khalccfah,,nnd the conduct which
lie pursued at Bahrein, Gutfc\iar, and Abuotlmbcc,
for the suppression of Piracy and the maintenance
of the peace of the Persian Gulf, was entirely
approved by the Indian Government.
A full account of all ^iat had Bahrein
was sent by the Foreign Office to Mr. Alison, with
instructions to make a proper explanatory com
To Mr. Alison, No.
munication on the subject to. the Persian Govern January .*», 18G9.
ment ; and he did so.
But Lord Clarendon suggested to the Duke of To India Office, February 1, l8Gn-
Argyll whether it would not be advisable, in tljc
event of similar proceedings again becoming neces
sary, that, communication should be lmd with the
Persian Government.
On the lllh of the same, month, while the General iVIoltsin Khan, .
February 11, 1869.
question was under consideration, the Persian
Minister in London renewed the complaint against
the proceedings of Colonel Pclly at Bahrein, ami
requested that the British Government would give
orders for the repair of. the damages occasioned
byhisactB; but, after consultation with the India
Office, he was informed that Ike Slicihk of To General Mohsin Kh*n,
March 5, I860.
Bahrein was an independent. Chief, with whom the
British Government, had Treaty'*engagements, and
whom they must-hold strictly to the performance of
\ those engagements." '. - .
But the Persian Chargov'd*Affaires in London
dioputed this dndiforwardcd'f tp. tlici'Foreign Office Gcllcr„, Mohtin Khan,
' letters fro.n -thei^eikli.'pf Bahrein, dated in April April ««. »»
1860/in one of;.whibh he "confessed that the isles
of the Uahrein ,wcfd part of the Persian territory."
The India Office were, therefore, again consulted India Officr, April 29, 18G9.