Page 63 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
P. 63
Zubarah, 1874-1878 389
On 1st Soptombor Hugh Rose returned from her cruizo, not having neon
any of tho Bom Hajir at IChor Shajoyj. It would appear that Uio Beni Hajir
had ombarked in a boat, but scoing t)io Mag Frcrc, wliich loft Bahrein for
IChor Qhaioyj and Biddah on 28th August, they rati tho boat on ahoro and fled
inland, wliilo tho boatmen left in her sheered ofi* and aailed away.
It is roportod Unit Zobarah has been aurroundod by tho Boni Itnjir, and tho
Nacorn Chief, who io in Bahroin, haa .begged that Sheikh Esau would aid him,
ns tho garriaon at Zobarah consisted of ,vcry few men, and would bo compelled
to capitulate, when it would bo an easy matter for tho Boni llajir to scizo the
boats of tho A1 Ohobeysa, qf which tlicro aro many at Zobarah, and cross over
to Bahroin. Tho Sheikh has promised to give assistance and it makiug
arrangomonts accordingly.
Tho pro8onoo of Her Majesty's vessel Hugh Rose is essentially necessary
at Bahroin to givo confidence and presorvo tranquillity.
Tho Shoikh has forbidden his pooplo from leaving tho island, and is anxiously
awaiting tho arrival of a vessel of war.
Tranalalcd purport of a lottor from Aaiu Aumkd Abdul Uussool, Ncwa-wrilcr, Rnbrein, to
Reoidont, Ruobire, No. 123, dated 2nd September 187-1.
People nrriviug from Guttur Btatc that tho Boni Tfajir witli Hamad bin
Abdoollali and 8alman bin Ahmed and sorno of tho A1 Murrah, accompanied by
tho Amcor appointed to Guttur by Bazco, tho Mutascrccf of Lalisah, and his 30
followers, making in all about D00 men, arrived at IChor Shajoyj. Part of tlicso
cauio by boats and part by land. It is said that Jassim bin Saui assisted them.
At IChor Shajoyj thoy espied tho mushwa of Abdool ICurrim of Bushirc,
now residing at Bahroin, and pursued and captured it, plundering therefrom
2^)00 and odd dollars, tho proporty of Jassim bin Thanec, and somo dates and
cloth belonging to Buuynhs and to pcoplo of Bahrein.
Tho mushwa was then proceeding .to Biddah, but the Beni llajir seeing the
Govornmout ycssoI Mag Frcrc inado ifor IChor Shajoyj, landed aud oscapcd to
tho nminlaud.
About 1,000 aud odd dollars of tho cash plundered was restored to Jassim
by tho Boni llajir. 7*
It is also roported that Jassim bin Thanoo has told tho Beni llajir that
unless thoy provail against tho Naccm tribe at Zobarah and kill them, or como to
somo arrangomonts for pcaco with them, thoy will not bo ablo to conquer
Bahreiu. Tho Beni Hajir hayo now gono against tho Nacom at Zobarah.
Potters rocoivod by tho Bunyahs from the Buuyahs residing at Guttur aro to
tho offcct that Jassim bin Thanco and tho Ameer on part of Bazco haYo told
thorn they must loavo Biddah, and tho .koys of tlioir shops hnvo boon takon from
thorn.- Tho .Bunyahs consontod to gou.on boing assurod iu writing that thoir
proporty romnining in tho bazaar would bo untouchod. This was not acccdod
to. Tho Bahroin Bunyahs aro furthor advisod to sond thoir proporty afloat, as
thoro was a oertainty of Beni Hajir attk'oking Bnliroin.
Translation of a loiter from Aumed Adduh Rubsool, Nowe-Agent, Rnbrpin, to tbo Resident,
Rusbiro, No. 122, dated 2nd Soptombor 1874.
Pe- it known that in my lottor No. 121 I informod you of Sheikh Esau's
Doing about to send ono of his ycbsoIs with somo of his adhoronts on board to
, .-
* i'V K