Page 65 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
P. 65
Zubarah, 1874-1878 391
Hint what tho boat contained belonged to mo, they thou toro tbo papers aud
took tyitny tho moiioy, amounting to 2)000 dollars, and divided it amongst
thomsclYCB. If I was friendly, with them,-pr.know of thoir purposes, how was it
poo8iblo for them to tako my money! tyy this it* will be perceived that these
roporta agninat mo aro falao. May God keop me far' from' all * falsehood and
from all liara, and do not liRten to my enemies. My vessels ond my’ country
will npvof commit any, ^'.oug, nelson.
;»• i-Tho Beni*Hajir departed for tho iShumol, aild an Amccri-wllo hafydbnic dfi
tho phct.of;13azccviwont after and camo up-to them, but wo do not know: their
intentions: ii*.'.rogard 'to Uio Naccm, is good* or bad. They have also
taken aomo things from the mushwa. ‘When she will return you will learn
particulars. ; . *: r
Wo asked for assistance from 8hcilth Esau to fight them*; and also MS
good-will towards ‘us, but we gained nothing, - as wo
• Uonl lUJlr. and hist forofathers wero uuited in friendship, and wo
f Bbeiili Euu.
relied on them always, and wo want from him what was
customary, to honor us aud (o help us against tho Beni Hajir, but we obtained
nothing. But tho Boni Hajir aro enemies to all. No one cau eject them from
this country, but Bazoo’s man, or orders from Bazco to do so. We. will not bo
backward in our onmity towards them, ns also to enpturo them, but Bazcc’a
Ainccr provonts us.
TianulaUxl purporlof a letter from J.vssim ni.v Makomf.d din Saki, to Ao\ Aiimkd, Bahrein,
dated 20th Kujub 1291=2ml September 1874.
• You know that tho people of Bahrein accuse us of things that have not
liucl plnco. .'And wo no.vor suspect anything. You arc in authority. We find
ourselves ontanglcd iu this busiuoss, aud my object is to niako kno\Vn to y6u
what has occurred in this place on tho part of tho Beni Hajir towards persdAi
who.arc :our‘dependents. They took proporty forcibly from tlicm, aud I had
to quarrol with them and let them understand that thoy must not comb inlo-my
l Evident)/ Chur of iiio Uonl country. They left and wcut to Ancyjch; but I
lui,r* drove thorn out from that place also, and Salim bin
ShafonJ, intended to proceed to Odeyd. ..
•iTho Amcor, who is appointed to this-nlacc on tho part of'Bazco, theu went
to thoir aid- ahd mado> them givo up their iutcntioii of going to'Odcyd, aud
brought'-thorn aud located thorn dt Biddah under Mahomed bin Saccd boo
.Ghurcor tbon hired a boat bolonging to tho’pcoplo of Ears;. aAd. Abdoollah
bin Soyf a.boat!bff- Dobayo on' tho plea that one of' thorn intended tO'go
toOjair,- and' tho * other to tho Boast of Ears.' Ten Moil’of the Boni Hajir
embarked in thoso two boats at night uhknown’to too, aiid cUptUrcci'a niu'sliWa
without any intention of pluudor. On rcadiug tho letters in tho mushwa
they discovorod thoro was monoy consigned to 'mo by Mahomed bin Hassan,
who bad obtained tho eamo from Ben Zeyd aud othors, whoroupon thoy searched
and found tho cash aud distributed it amongst thcmsolvcs and toro up tbo
loiters. Thoy took vory littlo from tho mushwa itsolf, and- released hor. With
tho oxccption of my monoy tho boat lost nothing.
Wo aro at onmity with tbo Boni Hajir, and no ouo but the Ameer of Bazco
aides with them. .• i
Tho Boni Hajir havo now gone to thp northward with inlou turns against
tho Nacora. Tho Amcor is with thorn. I do not know what thoir object
may bo.
f Wo, inshallali, will capture and imprison any of tho * Boni'Hajir we may
all in with, and Will not bo wanting in Blip wing our onoiity to them.
You should sido with us. :
10 s