Page 69 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
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Zubarah, 1874-1878                      395

         Enclo8uro No. 3.
                         No. 1150-235, dated Ihialiirc, 10th October 1374.
                From—XilP.UT.-CoL. 10. C. ltosa, Ilcr Britannic M/s l’oltl. ltesidcnt, Persian Gulf,
                To—C. U. Aitciiison, Esq., C.S.I., Secy, to the Govt, of India, Foreign Department.
             I have tho honor to submit herew ith a prdcis of tho intelligence received
          from Bahroin Binco tho despatch of my letter No. 1039-205), dated 12th
          September last.
              2. Tho dcfcat'of the Deni Hajir by tho El-Naccm tribe appears to have
          discouraged tho former from attempting any further warlike movements for the
              3. All was quiot at Bahrein, whore Her Majesty’s Ship Mar/pic remains.
              4. It will bo observed that it is stated that seven of the Beni Ilajir
          have boon arrested by Jassim, tho son of Mohammcd-bin-Thancc, Chief of
          El-Bidda, on account of tho pluudcr of a Bahrein boat, a circumstance reported
          iu my letter abovo quoted (paragraph 8). I am awaiting further information
          as to tho steps which the Bidda Chief may take in this matter.

              N.13.—Copies forwarded to Bombay Government and India Office direct.

          l’rccie of intelligence received from Bahrein News-writer between 20th September and
                                     October 1374.
              12th September.—Tho Beni Ilajir after their defeat fled to El-Bidda ; their
          loss was 25 killed and eight wounded. Ono of their Chiefs, named Bou-Mcjab
          claimed protection of Nasir-bin-Jubr, the Naccm Chief, and his life was spared,
          as Arabs do not kill thoso who surrender.
              Of tho Nacom party three were wounded, one of whom, named Alee
          biu-Jubr, brother of tho Naccm Chief, died.
              The Bcui Ilajir Chief, named Bcn-llejab, who asked for mercy and was
          spared, wns taken by the Naccm close to El-Bidda and there set at liberty.
          Ho expressed gratitude, and intended to conciliate the Beni Ilajir, but is
          opposed by the Ameer of Bazee, who incites the Beni Ilajir in their inclination
          lu light.
              Ahmod-bin-ol-K.ntam, who is a rclativo of the Chiefs of Bahreiu, but has
          married ono of tho Morair tribo, had gono to Zobarah with 70 men of tho
          Al-Morrah from tho western coast. On hearing of the cncouutcr botweeu the
          Nacom uud Boni Hajir, ho returned to Bahreiu with his 70 men.
              Jassim-bin'-Thauco has imprisoned seven men of tho Bcui Hajir for tho
          piracy on the boat in view to recovering his own money.
              The Al-Morrah aro suid to havo carried away some sheep bclougiug to
          Jassim-bin-Thancc from noar Gutter.
              13/A September.—Arrivals from El-Hassa state that Saood is at Uiadh, and
          has asked tho Al-Ejmau, who reside at El-Hassa, to aid him ; somo havo joined
              Abdullah-bin-Eoysul is said to be near ltiadh, and his intention is to visit
          Saood in a friendly spirit.
              Nnsir-bin-Mobarok is at El-Hassa, and uuablo to' leuvo his houso from
          sieknoss; Bazoo allows him 00 dollars per meusem for his oxpcuscs.
              VJlh September.—Tho Beni Hajir nud Al-Abdullah uro' at El-Bidda. Tho
          Bahroincos at El-Bidda writo that thoro aro no signs of any movements
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