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Zubarah, 1874-1078                     399

         enjoined him to carefully abstain from taking any part in operations in which
         tho Turkish Government was engaged.
             4.  As regards tho letter addressed .to Slioikh Esau hy tho Governor of
           Jlift my lclt«r No. 12GG-2G2, data!   ICntccf, on conversing with the former on the
         31it October 167*.     subject, I found him averse from returning any
         written reply, an ho had verbally informed tho messenger who brought it that
         he had referred tho letter to tho British representative, and lie wished to avoid
         corresponding with Turkish officials. Tho letter has accordingly remained
             5.  Rumours froiuNcjd had reached Bahrein to the cficct that El-Uassa
         was threatened by Abdool llahman-bin-Ecysul, who had been joined numer­
         ously by Bedouin tribes, and that tho position of tho Turkish garrison of El-IIassa
         was critical. Theso roports, howover, requiro confirmation.

             N.B.—Copies will be forwarded to Government of Bombay and India
          Offico direct.
          Enclo8uro No. 8.
                         Telegram, No. 27221’., dulcil lOlh December 1874.
                From— Foreign Secretary, Calcutta, •
                To—Political Resident, Bushirc.
             Youit lotlcr of- tenth November regarding wish of Bahreiu Chief to
          defend Zobarah. If tho Chief takes any part in complications on mainland,
          Government will not guarantee him protection. More by post.

          Enclosure No. 0.
                       No. 2723P., dated Fort William, 10th December 1374.
                From—F. IIenvby, Esq., 0%. Under-Secy, to the Govt, of India, Foreign Dept.,
                To—Lieut.-Col. IS. C. Ross, Political Resident, Persian Gulf.
              I am directed to acknowledge tho receipt of your letter No. 1281-2G7,
          dated 10th November 187*1, submitting a report ou the afiairs of Bahreiu.
              2. It appears that tho Chief of Bahrein is appro.hcnsivo of an attack
          from Nasir-bin-Moburek, and has sought your interference to prevent the
          Quttor Chief from harbouring or aiding him in any operations against Zobarah
          by land or sea. You very properly replied that you could only interfere to
          repress moYomenta by sea. Tho Chief .then asked to bo allowed to reinforce
          tho garrison of Zobarah, which ho considered a dependency of Bahrein; aud
          you advised him to keep as freo as possiblo from tho feuds on tho mainland;
          but said that you would not intorfero with tho despatch of reinforcements to
          Zobarah as a puroly dofensivo measure, leaving tho Chief to decido upon tho
          necessity or expedionoy of such action, and enjoining him carefully to abstain
          from taking any part in operations in which the Turkish Govornmont  was
              3. Tho Govcrnor-Gcucral iu Council observes that by tho correspondent
            No. U16.186, «]«U(\ *iii 8cptombor 187S. marginally noted, it was shown that tho Chief
            No. irn.147, dated lotu Septombor 1873. 0f Bahroiu had uo possessions ou tho main­
          land of Gutter, and that his rights there wero of a very uncertain clmractor.
          Accordingly in the letter from this Office to your address, No. 2829P., dated
          17th Dcccmbor 1873, you wero informed that it was dcsirablo that tho Chief
          should abstaiu, ns far as prncticablo, from interfering in complications ou tho
              4j. His Excollonoy in Counoil, thoroforo, considers iliat tho Chiof of Bah­
          rein should not have beeu encouraged to despatch troops to tho maiulaud for
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