Page 75 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
P. 75
Zubarah, 1874-1878 401
Section I.
Afgha nistun and the countries further llrcsl and North- West.
(1.) Afghanistan Events iu Afghanistan have been separately reported.
(2.) Perso-Turkoman and Ferso-Afghan frontier.
A telegram has been received from llcr Majesty’s Chargd d* Altai res at
Tnhernu announcing tho arrival at fleshed on tho 27th November of a Russian
Ofllccr, Colouol Kordnikoff, from Tnshlcoud. IIo informed tho Princo Goveruor
of Khorasan that ho hod been despatched on a mission from St. Petersburg at
tho cud of Septembor, and that ho was now on his return journey. lie travelled
from Ta6hkoud vid Balkli and Herat, and while passing through Herat
territory was escorted by 200 Afghan horse. From Herat lie scut news to
tho Russian Governor at Tashkeud anuouucing his safe arrival and cordia
Tho Afghan refugee, General Pir Muhammad Khan, who is a confidential
friend of Sirdar Abdul Rahman Klmn, states that the latter is much dissatisfied
with tho Russiaus for making overtures to Slier Ali Khau, and that ho is iu
consequence rnakiug preparations to enter Afghau Turkistan, and that as be is
supported by a poworful party iu tho country, ho would bo suro of success, if
ho received any assistauco from tho British Government.
(3.) Bokhara aud Eastern Turkistan Frontier.
Abdul Samad, a Puujabi employe of tho Central Asian Trading Company,
has arrived iu Loll from Kashgar, and gives somo interesting information
regarding Russian movements in Eastern Turkistau. lie reports that the
Russiaus have occupied two poiuts said to bo in Chinese territory, viz., Atbasli
on the Nnryu road to Kokand, and Ynrgahstan or Ycskichlick on the Ush
routo, tho latter placo being about two marches from Kashgar. At each of
theso posts they havo placed 1,G00 men and 32 guns. They have also de
spatched 300 men to occupy uud construct forts at Karakul aud Rajkul
(Ranjkul ?).
Russian omissarics and spies aro said to bo busily endeavouring throughout
Yarkand to iuduco tho pcoplo to present petitions complaining of Chinese
oppression nud injustice, and inviting the Russiaus to take over possession of
tho country.
Travellers who havo arrived iu Lch from Yarkand, report that the Russiaus
havo occupied Sarikol, and Major Biddulph, while on his way back from
Chilrnl to Gilgit, received a letter from Ali Mardan Shah, the Chief of Wakhau,
reporting that tho Russians bad tnkon Kashgar, aud had appeared on tho
Great Bamir iu tho neighbourhood of Sarikol, and demarcated a bouudary by
driving a peg iuto tho grouud at tho head of tho Victoria Lake.
Section II.
Persia—Persian Guff.
(1.) In tho Persian Gulf tho piracies committed by tho Beni Ilajir havo
not been entirely suppressed, aro still in a very unsettled condition. Iu ono
case, of which the details arc ns follow, the sufferers were British subjects. Two
vessels, tho llavsingav and Fultchkar, 6uiled from tho port of Kurrachi for
Katif iu August last, aud woro attacked by pirates on their return voyaoo
about two miles from tho Katif Buudor. Tho Captain of tbo Jlarsingar, when
challenged by the pirates, lowered his sail and submitted, and his vessel was
plundored, but tho men iu tho Futtchkar boing favoured by wind aud tido, held
on their courao and managed -to effect tboir escape, though they wore firod ou