Page 3 - hd 2024 MARCH
P. 3
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
we Welcome you to
High Dune Condominium
in Westhampton Beach.
High Dune it a very special condo
on the perfect beach in Westhampton Beach.
This informa ve booklet will provide you with some
important informa on you will need
to help you understand our community and what makes
High Dune such a beau ful condo community.
If you need any help or informa on, please feel free to
contact me or anyone on the board of directors.
You can email
for further informa on.
We hope you enjoy
many happy sun filled days with
family & friends and
many years of wonderful memories
on the beach with your neighbors in High Dune.
Warmest Regards.
the “Board of Directors