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Organizing Committee
         Event Director Message
                                                                                                                                            Board of Directors
        Back to Our Roots — Just in Time for Our 50  Celebration                                                                              Irv Newman
                                                                                                                                             Vice President
                                                                                                                                              Jean Arthur                  Men’s Results
                                    Without a doubt, being normal never felt better! Producing the “Runner’s Rite of Spring” on              Michelle Carter
                                    April 3, 2022, as we had done 48 times before March 13, 2020, the day we cancelled our 49                  Rob Wolfe
                                    running due to the worldwide pandemic, was more exciting and fulfilling than we could have                 At-large
                                    never imagined before that fateful day in March, 2020.  Yes, the 49  running on September 12,             Pam Balcke
                                    2021 was an important marker that the country would prevail over  Covid-19, but it just wasn’t            Charlie Harr
                                                                                                                                              Kari Keaton
                                    quite the same lining up on the Washington Monument Grounds with a hint of fall in the air               Nita Roncone
                                    instead of a stunning canopy of pink and white blossoms. Let’s hope that we never have to pass             Kirt West
                                    through this sequence of events again.
                                                                                                                                              Event Staff
                                      The runners shared this enthusiasm, with the field swelling back to nearly full size even              Event Director
                                    though when the lottery was held in early January it was not clear that we would be able to hold          Phil Stewart
                                    the event free of Covid-19 mitigations, or even at all.  Even the ranks of our volunteers were          Deputy Director
                                    nearly back to the pre-pandemic level. Thank you to everyone who kept the faith during our               Becky Lambros
                                    three-year time out.                                                                                  Administrative Support
                                                                                                                                             Beth Rosenthal
          So, what’s next? The 2023 race will mark our 50  Celebration encompassing both our 50  anniversary and our 50  running since
         we did not count the 2020 Virtual Run as an actual “running” of the race. Work has already begun on a host of special activities.   Race Committee
         Please stay tuned.                                                                                                              5K Run-Walk Coordinator
                                                                                                                                               Eve Mills
          What an exciting year 2022 turned out to be. Reston, Virginia’s Susanna Sullivan became the first local winner of the race since   Deputy 5K Run-Walk Coordinator
         Eleanor Simonsick captured the title exactly 30 years earlier. Sullivan’s winning time of 52:32 was the sixth fastest American time   Leanne Till
         ever in the event and was faster than the winning times in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017, and 2018. The elite men’s race featured   5K Run-Walk Food Coordinator
                                                                                                                                             Leslie Williams
         Nicholas Kosimebi tying the course record of 45:15 set exactly ten years earlier by Allan Kiprono.                                 10M Start/Finish
          We had nearly 800 participants in the continuation of our Virtual Run, our first as a “hybrid” event.  The Virtual Run provided a   Ryan Morris
         chance for a wider audience to join in the Credit Union Cherry Blossom spirit wherever they could.                             Administration and Scoring
          I invite you to scroll through the pages of our environmentally friendly PDF results publication and relive the excitement and the   Delmo Sports
         magic through the articles, photos and finisher lists. As a reminder, you can measure your performance against our elite athletes   Amenities Coordinator
                                                                                                                                             Michelle Carter
         or anyone else in the field by using of the “Age Graded” quotient supplied with each finisher’s time. This provides a way for you to   Announcer
         compare your time, based on your age and sex, with the performance of any other runner based on his or her age and sex.              Dan DiFonzo
          I hope your experience at this year’s event will entice you to join the thousands race entrants who use their local Credit Unions   Kari Keaton
                                                                                                                                              Creigh Kelley
         for their financial needs. (Details about joining a Credit Union appear in the center spread of this results publication.) They have   Awards Coordinator
         been the best title sponsor ever, all the way back to 2002. During their tenure, the event has raised over $10 million dollars for the   Nancy Betress
         Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, a total which was augmented by $382,000 this year.                                        Bag Check Coordinators
          I also would like to take a final opportunity to thank our 2022 Presenting Sponsors Asics, our official shoe and apparel sponsor;   Annette Sanks
                                                                                                                                              Ken Younger
         first time supporting sponsor Wegmans, the presenting sponsor of the Health and Fitness Expo; MedStar Health, presenting    Capitol Hill Competition Coordinator
         sponsor of the Virtual Run; Garmin, our Technology sponsor; and Discovery Communications, sponsor of the Heatsheets; and our         Sarah Turner
         Supporting Sponsors including Gatorade, provider of the Gatorade Endurance Formula out on the course; Potomac River Running,           Clinics
         our official retail sponsor; Co-op Financial; CUNA Mutual Group; PSCU; and Suburban Solutions, who hauled a lot of stuff around     Keira D’Amato
         on race weekend. I’d also like to extend a special thanks to DrinkMore water for supplying the water, the Montgomery County RRC    Concierge/Hotel
                                                                                                                                              Adrian Safar
         for handling the water stop logistics, the National Park Service, and the U.S. Park Police.                                       Corrals Coordinator
          Our plan is to hold lottery registration January 4-16, 2023. Everyone who entered the race this year, even if you were not           Rob Wolfe
         accepted, will be sent email notification about the entry process. Remember to let us know if you move or change your email        Course Recorders
                                                                                                                                              Steve Broyles
         address so we can keep our records up to date. If you have friends or associates who did not run this year (or if you have run before   Rob Holt
         but did not run this year) anyone can sign up to receive an email containing the 2023 entry information on the race website at www.  Drayage Coordinator Be sure to check your spam filters if you do not hear from us — or just check the website from time to time.     Danny Talmage
          If you had a good time or have suggestions, please let us know. You may write to us at Credit Union Cherry Blossom, 4963 Elm       Drayage Team
                                                                                                                                               Tony Blair
         St., Suite 106, Bethesda, MD 20814 or send us an e-mail to:                                     Drug Testing Coordinator
          As always, I am deeply indebted to all of my race committee members — especially Deputy Director Becky Lambros and Cherry          Kelly Ashworth
         Blossom, Inc. President Irv Newman — who toiled tirelessly throughout the year to make it all happen.                           Elite Athlete Coordinator
                                                                                                                                                Bill Orr
                                                                                                                                        Elite Athlete Transportation
         Happy Miles,                                                                                                                        Jen Maranzano
         Phil Stewart                                                                                                                      Elite Athletes Team
         Event Director                                                                                                                       Ryan Hogan
                                                                                                                                               Susan Orr
                                                                                                                                           Elizabeth Unislawski
                                                                                                                                          Embassy Coordinator
      Cover Photo: Ten Mile female winner Susanna Sullivan’s time was 52:32, beating her personal best for 10 miles of                       Janette Yarwood
      54:22. Photo Credit: Bob Burgess                                                                                                  Entertainment Coordinator
                                                                                                                                           Valerie Connaughton
                                                                                                                                         Event Design Coordinator
                                                                                                                                              Chris Tatreau
                                                                                                                                            Expo Coordinator
                                                  Contents                                                                                    Julie Novak
                                                                                                                                              Expo Flow
                                                                                                                                             Mychal Guyton
            Award Winners .....................................................................................................................................................7  Fall and Virtual Kickoff Coordinator
            Age Group Results ................................................................................................................................................9  Anna Finlay
            Team Results .......................................................................................................................................................12  Sweep Bus
                                                                                                                                               Diane Hill
            Thanks, Cherry Blossom Volunteers ...............................................................................................................13  Melissa Hunsiker
            Men’s Results .......................................................................................................................................................19  Begonia Vilacostas
            Kids Run ..............................................................................................................................................................51  Food Coordinator
                                                                                                                                              Peggy Posey
            Women’s Results .................................................................................................................................................53  Gator Guru
            Credit Union Cherry Blossom 5K Run-Walk .................................................................................................97  Peter Verasin
            Virtual Run ........................................................................................................................................................111  Head Judge
                                                                                                                                                Dan Yi
                                                                                                                              Continued on page 9

                                                              2022 Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run                                                            3
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