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      Men’s Results  held on and broke the tape in 52:32.  In   Boston Athletic Association 5K in 15:39,   the men’s 5K meshed with the theme   Moses Fallor.
                                                                                          April 3  being a day for front-runners,
                                                good for eighth place.
                                                                                                                                   In case anyone suspects that Fallor
      the end Verdon closed to within five
                                                                                                                                  originally planned to get married on
      seconds, with Stoner one tick behind and
                                                 Asked to explain the big improvements  of the day.  But winner Evan Fallor had
                                                                                         more on his mind than a 5K race.  Fallor
                                                                                                                                  Cherry Blossom race day, you should
      Pagano another eight ticks back. All four  recently, Sullivan admitted to earlier
                                                “feeling so frustrated in the sport…
                                                                                         says, “ I was solo from the gun, and really  know that the date of the wedding was
      ran personal bests, and just 14 seconds
      separated the top four.
                                                                                                                                  In Evan’s version:
                                                pandemic, she found “a chance to
                                                                                         the beautiful morning we had. There’s
        The closeness of this year’s women’s    Injured at the beginning of the          spent the majority of the race enjoying   dictated by—you guessed it—COVID-19.
      race was reminiscent of the 2021 race     build a solid base.” She lengthened and   something cathartic about having the        We had originally set our wedding
      when 13 seconds separated the top five.   intensified her workouts, giving her     streets of D.C. closed off for running. It’s   date for the day prior to Cherry
        Sullivan, a fifth-grade teacher from    “confidence… that I can maybe make       great to be able to take in the Lincoln      Blossom up in Baltimore. However,
      Reston, VA, and the first “local” runner   a bolder move than I ordinarily might   Memorial and the Potomac along the 5K        due to COVID restrictions, our
      to win since Eleanor Simonsick 1982,      in a race and it might work out.” Often   course and feel the support of the rest of   original venue was forced to close,
      remarked afterwards, “I knew that if      running double workouts, she typically   the crowd the whole way.”  He went on to     and we had to make a last minute
      conditions were right… and I had the      runs at 7 a.m. and again at 7 p.m.       muse about “the serenity of the course.”     shift to a new venue. A total of 17
      motivation of a lot of fast women chasing   Having reaped a total $14,500 for       Those of us who do not closely              guests -including two groomsmen
      me, that could happen.”  She got her      winning the race ($8,000), plus placing   associate serenity with racing need to      and one bridesmaid- ran the
      wish: nearly ideal conditions and three   first American ($5,000), and another     understand that Fallor was preoccupied       Cherry Blossom Ten Mile, so this all
      fast chasers.  It was her eighth Cherry   $1,500 for winning the RRCA Roads        with a greater purpose: he was about         certainly worked out for the best. It
      Blossom Ten Mile, and for sure the        Scholar-RunPro Camp Development          to get married that afternoon, and           allowed me to jump in the 5K and
      sweetest.                                 Award competition, Sullivan now finds    was envisioning how he was going to          our wedding doubled as the Cherry
        Sullivan’s 52:32 was a personal best at   it “easier for me to say ‘yes’ without   recite his vows seven hours later. Using   Blossom after party!
      10 miles by almost two minutes, placing   hesitation to certain opportunities to   Alexandria as his “home base,” he fled
      her sixth on Cherry Blossom’s all time    race.”                                   across the Potomac to board a trolley     While Fallor’s 16:05 won the men’s
      U.S. women’s list.  At age 31, her star is   And what about her fifth-graders, the   to take him back to Maryland. That’s   division by 30 seconds over Brady
      on the rise:  last fall she won the Project   ones who see her between the 7 a.m. run   right—in D.C., he ran 5K in 16:05,   Figgins, women’s 5K winner Cristina
      13.1 half marathon in Valley Cottage,     and the 7 p.m. run? She says “they were   crossed from D.C. to Virginia, and went   Burbach had a closer call, beating
      New York, in a personal best of 1:10:50.   thrilled.”  No surprises there.         back to Maryland for his 4:30 marriage at   second-place Alexis Chandler by eight
      She has run PBs at 5K/5000m three                                                  Oxon Hill Manor near National Harbor     seconds, 21:08 to 21:16.
      times this year, the most recent being the  5K: Men’s Winner Doubles His Pleasure to Michelle Moses, who is now Michelle

                                                                          Teens Run DC empowers youth to envision

                                                                                and work toward the achievement of

                                                                                   personal goals through a distance

                                                                           running, mentoring, and social emotional

                                                                                                    learning program.

      6                                                       2022 Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run
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