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Men’s Results

                                         Clouds of cherry blossoms greeted runners returning to the first “Runner’s Rite of Spring”’ in three years         Photo: Dan Kolansky

                                        Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Returns to Spring!

        Echos of 2021: Men’s 10 Mile Won with a Solo Blitz, Women’s a Nail Biter

                                                                               by Mark Heinicke

          he weather was glorious on April     1:05:18.) George ascribed the key to his   Kimitei who arrived 28 seconds back in   found herself dogged closely for the next
      T3  in Washington DC, and the            long and successful career to “being at   45:43.                                   five miles by three tenacious competitors.
      famed cherry trees were just a tad past   peace with yourself.”                     The men’s chase group was well          Carrie Verdon, Paige Stoner, and Sarah
      their splendid peak. The fortunes of                                               stretched out.  Runnerup Kimitei,        Pagano, running in a tight bunch, all had
      the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten       Newcomer Nicholas Kosimbei trounces  at the ripe age of 37, put 15 seconds        promising pre-race credentials and they
      Mile Run matched the setting. For the               a strong men’s field           between himself and third place 26       kept the leader within striking range for
      first time in three years the race was     Tying the 10-year-old open course       year-old Shadrack Kimining (home in      more than 50 minutes.
      held in-person in spring, and more than   record was 25-year old Kenyan Nicholas   45:58).  Another 55 seconds separated     In contrast to Kosimbei’s approach,
      14,500 runners made the most of it. With  Kosimbei, who sizzled through the        Kimining from fourth place American      Sullivan’s initial strategy did not include
      46-degree temperatures at dawn rising    course in 45:15. Much like the 2021       Futsum Zienasellassie (46:53). While     escaping off the front early. She planned
      slowly to 54 at 10 a.m. and gentle winds   men’s race where Edwin Kimutai escaped  Reid Buchanan came home hot on the       to bide her time until out on Haines
      in the morning, conditions were ripe     the pack early to win by a comfortable    tail of Zienasellassie in 46:57, there was   Point (between six and eight miles) to
      for quick times and personal bests, and   33 seconds in a time of 45:45, the winner  a 33-second gap back to sixth place Lawi   make a move. She believed she could
      16 personal bests were achieved among    competed chiefly against himself.         Lang (47:29).                            at least run a PB and that could be
      the top men and women.  To raise the       Kosimbei broke loose from the lead       Kosimbei took home $9,000 for his       good enough for the win. However, as
      stakes among the leaders, $125,000 were   pack in the second mile and hewed to     efforts—$8,000 for first place, and      she explained later, she “was feeling
      on offer between prizes and bonuses.     his avowed strategy “to take the lead     another $1,000 for first man under 46    really good around five and decided
      One American and course record was       early and never look back.”  He had done  minutes. The next nine men split $28,250  to press a little. I was surprised to put
      set, another tied, and a local runner won   the same thing on February 27, setting   between them, beginning with Kimitei   some space on them, but I wasn’t looking
      the women’s race for the first time since   a Georgia state half marathon record of   taking $4,000 for runner-up, and another  back. I had no idea how close they were,
      1982.                                    1:00:36, running solo for the last seven   $750 for the second sub-46 minute time.   and knew, based on the pace, that they
                                               miles and eclipsing the old state record   Below him, prizes stepped down to $200   were absolutely capable of reeling me in
        American and course record goes to     by more than three minutes.  Kosimbei     for 10  place.                           late in the race, so I tried to stay focused
                   nonagenarian                is a newcomer to American roads—the                                                on the lead truck and trust my training.
        First the American record: the time    Georgia race was his first in the U.S.      Women’s Race: Suspense Builds for      I was so relieved to make it to the finish
      was not spectacular, but the precedent   Kosimbei’s powerful running style is            52-and-One-Half Minutes            line first.” The not looking back part was
      was: 90-year-old George Yannakakis       more akin to that of a middle-distance     The women’s race was also won by        akin to Kosimbei’s. Being “surprised”
      from Towson, MD, running Cherry          runner than the smoothly flowing look     a front-runner, but in that case the     to have dropped the lead group halfway
      Blossom for the 29th time since 1984,    of most Kenyan long-distance stars.       winning margin shrank from nine          through the race was not.
      strode to the finish in 2:33:04, winning   Kosimbei kept widening his lead         seconds to five seconds in the last mile.   At 10K, Sullivan had a six-second lead
      his 11th consecutive Cherry Blossom      through 15K: he kept ahead of his         Susanna Sullivan moved away from the     and extended it to nine seconds at 15K.
      age group title with an American record   swiftest pursuer Wilfred Kimitei by seven  lead bunch at five miles—the same place   The chasers hung grimly together a few
      for the 90-95 tier. (Yannakakis set the   seconds at 5K, 25 seconds at 10K, and    last year’s men’s winner Kimutai made    seconds apart, straining to bridge the gap
      race’s 85-89 age group record of 1:44:08   29 seconds at 15K. In the last 0.7 miles   his winning break. But unlike Kimutai   to Sullivan in the last mile. But Sullivan
      in 2017, and way back in 1987 notched a   Kosimbei gave up only one second to      last year and Kosimbei this year, Sullivan
                                                                                                                                         Continued on page 6
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