Page 161 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
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newspapers and magazines can be divided into general
newspapers and magazines and school newspapers and
magazines. There is a function of containing warm and
actual reading materials, containing the latest data on
matters that attract attention, as a means of learning to
write articles, having clipping materials that can be
used as display materials for sticky boards, enriching
the treasury of knowledge, improving critical reading
skills and discussion skills.
− Encyclopaedia
An encyclopaedia or an extensive dictionary
containing various latest scientific details will be a
reasonably necessary learning resource for learners.
The encyclopaedia is a supporting reading source. The
teacher's task is to provide appropriate motivation and
guidance to the learners so that the students use the
encyclopaedia as a supportive reading for the lesson.
− Supplement Books
Supplement books can serve as enrichment materials
for children, whether related to lessons or not;
supplement books can add provisions to children to
strengthen aspects of their personality. What includes
supplement books are works of fiction and non-fiction.
Supplement books can provide opportunities for
children to meet their individual interests.
Supplementing books in smaller formats and attracting
learners will add a new treasury of knowledge, skills,
and attitudes sufficient to support personality stability.