Page 163 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 163


                                b)  If worked out well, moving images are excellent for affective
                                   purposes (influencing students to change attitudes).

                                c)  For teaching purposes, motion images should be used based
                                   on  a  direct  relationship  with  the  viewer's  personality.  No
                                   matter how large the group of students watching, the message

                                   described in the script should count the student as a person.
                                d)  The  sound  that  accompanies  the  image  must  match  the

                                   content of the picture.
                                e)  Narration should not tell what is seen on the screen unless it
                                   is to interpret or clarify, or emphasize what is essential.

                                f)  All moving image media must contain standardized content
                                   and  be  edited  and  tested  before  being  used  in  teaching

                                   activities. Before printing, consult the material with a person
                                   who  is  an  expert  in  that  field.  You  also  need  to  try  the
                                   steadiness of this medium on a group of students.

                                g)  Since  films  and  videos  are  all  moving  image  media,  the
                                   narrative  should  be  developed  based  on  carefully  designed
                                   visual  scripts.  The  playwright must  think  visually  (think  in

                                   the imaging system)
                                h)  Remember,  your  audience  is  unattached.  They  could  have
                                   turned  their  attention  to  other  things  if  the  spectacle  hadn't

                                   appealed  to  him.  Therefore,  in  the  planning  of  this  media
                                   script, it must also consider the audience's attitudes, cultural

                                   background,  age,  gender,  as  well  as  their  ideas,  and
                                i)  Chamber  g  presented  should  be  varied  and  taken  from

                                   different  angles  so  that  the  audience  does  not  get  bored
                                   quickly. Try to keep the length of the turnaround period to a

                                j)  Producing moving image media is a complicated task. This
                                   activity  involves  many  experts  from  various  disciplines  as
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