Page 167 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 167


                           a particular variable or in a complex simulation or interaction where
                           the user moves a virtual object.

                              From the explanation above,  it can be concluded that interactive
                           learning media is everything, both hardware, such as books, modules,
                           learning  aids  in  the  classroom  or  in  the  laboratory,  or  software

                           (software) containing a combination of text, images, graphics, sound,
                           video, animation, simulation in an integrated and synergistic manner

                           such as the help of computer programs to collect data that can generate
                           data that can condition learners to interact actively and independently
                           of a set of learning to achieve specific learning objectives.

                              The faster the current of globalization gave rise to other drafts in
                           technological developments. Finally, the Quizizz application was born

                           as  a  learning  medium,  supporting  the  continuity  of  teaching  and
                           learning activities amid a pandemic. The Quizizz application is online,
                           which means it can be used easily if it is supported by internet access.

                           Development of Quizizz learning media needs to be carried out on an
                           ongoing basis so that Quizizz can become a competitive application as
                           a learning medium during adapting to the Covid-19 pandemic. The use

                           of  learning  media  itself  cannot  be  simply  released  with  learning
                           patterns. Organized learning patterns are then determined based on the
                           limitations  of  educational  technology. Basically,  there  are  4  learning

                           patterns applied in Indonesia,
                           1)  The Traditional pattern, i.e., the relationship of the teacher to the

                               student directly,
                           2)  Teacher pattern with media,
                           3)  Media learning patterns,

                           4)  Pattern  of  learning  with  media  only.  The  use  of  the  Quizizz
                               application as a learning medium is included in the category of the

                               number of learning patterns be
                           5)  Where to put the media as a component of the learning system to
                               be on par with other features.
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