Page 195 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 195


                          6)  Get to know the Chat Feature  in Meetings
                              This  feature  allows  everyone  in  the  Zoom  Meeting  to  send

                          messages with two modes: Reply to Everyone (our chat will be readable
                          by everyone) and Reply to Participant (chat can only be read by one
                          recipient of the message we are referring to).

                              This  feature  is  one  of  the  communication  alternatives  when  the
                          participant  does  not  allow  communication  by  activating  audio  or

                          camera.  For  example,  participants  attend  meetings  when  they  are  on
                          noisy public transportation.
                          7)  How to Use Zoom Meeting While Recording

                              The  Host  and  Co-Host  can  record  every  Zoom  Meeting  session;
                          make  sure  the  signal  is  stable  so  that  we  do  not  bounce  out  of  the

                          meeting, which results in the recording being interrupted. Recordings
                          can also only be accessed after the session is over.
                              So, if the Host and Co-Host record a meeting, they can only save

                          and automatically convert the recording into an mp4 file if they have
                          left the meeting.
                          8)  How to Create a Schedule Meeting

                              Log in to the Zoom account and click Schedule Meeting, then this
                          follow-up display will appear. Fill in each required data field according
                          to  the  meeting  details  we  want,  then  click  the  Save  button.  Some

                          critical parts that must be observed include:
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