Page 197 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 197


                              d)  Meeting Options

                                     Allow  participants  to  join  anytime;  by  clicking  on,  we
                                  allow participants to enter the room at any time, either at the
                                  beginning  or  the  middle  of  the  meeting.  To  keep  the  forum

                                  conducive  and  disciplined,  the  host  should  not  click  on  this
                                  option so that participants cannot arbitrarily enter the room in

                                  the middle of the meeting discussion.
                                     Mute  participants  upon  entry;  by  clicking  this,  the
                                  participant  enters  the  audio  off  state.  It  is  also  to  keep  the

                                  meeting conducive so that there is no noise when participants
                                  enter the middle of the discussion.

                                     Automatically  record  meetings  on  the  local  computer;
                                  this  option  is  to  record  and  save  meeting  recordings  on  the

                                  local computer.
                                     Approve  or  block  entry  for  users  from  specific

                                  countries/regions;  the  option  is  a  choice  of  which  countries
                                  are allowed and are not allowed to enter the Zoom Meeting.
                              e)  Distribute meeting invitations to participants

                                     After clicking the Save button on point (b), which means
                                  we  have  finished  creating  the  meeting  schedule,  here  is  the

                                  display that will appear:
   192   193   194   195   196   197   198   199   200   201   202